
Weekend Warriors (Heroic):

Saturday 5pm – 8pm (4:30pm – 4:50pm invites)

Saturday 2pm – 5pm (1:30pm – 1:50pm invites)


Thursday & Friday 7pm – 10pm (6:30pm – 6:50pm invites)

Thursday & Friday 4pm – 7pm (3:30pm – 3:50pm invites)


All raiding events will be posted on the in-game calendar as PST / Server time; all events on the websites will be EST.

Old Raids with Orek: Classic!

Yesterday the guild had its’ inaugural Sunday Fun Night, where we’ll go for achievements and transmogs as a Guild group!

The night took us on a whirlwind tour of the Classic Raids: Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Ruins Ahn’Qiraj, and  Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. While some of the most desired pieces of transmog gear unfortunately didn’t drop, we found ourselves with a plethora of Red Battle Tanks – more than enough for everyone who still needed one! In addition, several people were able to check a few rare Battle Pets off their bucket list.

As a result of the runs, though, we successfully completed the Classic Raid achievement!

Following the four Classic raids, we moved on to helping one of our newer Guild Members, Zuldat, experience some of the Cataclysm content he missed while taking a break from the game. Having not played since WotLK, he was taken aback to see the damage that had been done to Mount Hyjal in his absence. Prompted by our tales of Ragnaros’ sins, he vowed to bring down the rogue Elemental Lord, plunging into the Firelands with his guild behind him.

When we had some issues with Only The Penitent during our striving for the achievements, we took a quick break and redirected our focus onto Al’Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds, bringing him down before he could even respond to us.

Returning to the Firelands after that, we resolved ourselves to push on, and successfully brought down Ragnaros for the second time that evening. All in all, it was a great experience for everyone involved, and if it is any indication of what Sunday nights will be for the Guild, you should do your best to come experience it with us!

– Orektarg

Here’s a complete list of achievements that were completed last night, between members and the guild:

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Tomb of Sargeras Guild Run Raffle Winners

Thanks to everyone who helped out with the Tomb of Sargeras Guild Run Achievement this past Monday! We have two winners for the raffle we just held for those who participated. Lisse won a Sentinel’s Eternal Refuge (Leather Legendary) and Lunzzul won 5000g courtesy of Ganelon.

Be sure to sign up for this Sunday’s (3/25) Legacy Guild run at 3:30pm server/6:30pm eastern. There will be another raffle for those who help out and participate!

Guild Clear of Tomb of Sargeras (Full Guild Run)

Tonight, March 19, 2018, The Ministry of Defense slapped Kil’Jaden in the face with a Tomb of Sargeras Guild Run. There were some moments where things looked grim, but through our perseverance and hard work we downed him. Good work to everyone and congrats on your new Legendaries to Lunzzul ( and Brassica ( Keep up the good work and I look forward to our next raid clear.