In a new, hopefully weekly content update, I’ll go over some of the successes, failures, and exciting moments from the previous week’s raids. It also includes some thoughts from the Raid Leads, so be sure to look for strategy comments!
Wednesday: Heroic Farming
New to this week, we’ve started running Heroic progression on Wednesdays. We also recently extended raid times by an hour (3 hour raids rather than 2). While my computer crashed for the first hour, I was present for the last two kills. Raid Lead consensus: is important on Eonar to focus down the Fel Lords and Obfuscator’s ASAP – we had a wipe as a result of an ignored mob! Portal Keeper went well also. Great job on the interrupt rotation and placement of fire! As a result of teamwork and dedication, we downed 4 bosses in Antorus. This was awesome news – it meant that we’d be facing all-new content for the Guild come Saturday, our traditional progression time.
Saturday: Heroic Progression
Antoran High Command
Antoran High Command went down in two pulls (with some outsider help, admittedly. We’ll have a better gauge of our DPS success this week). We still need to be cognizant of the mines, but rotations between bosses and our Pod People all did a great job. Raid Leads agree that we need to focus adds much faster and remain vigilant of where we put out feet. Much like facing the Coven, being careful is more important than DPSing – rotate your camera, stare at your feet, and make sure to dodge what’s on the ground! Also, don’t be afraid to snuggle up to the other DPS and heals. We need to be stacked tight.

Imonar was almost a relaxing break after the hectic fight of High Command. DPS did a bunch better job spreading out to avoid sleep-canistering the raid, and our bridge transitions were about as smooth as they can be. Continue to spread in phase 1 as much as possible, and we’ll have smoother transitions into phase 2!
Kin’garoth, as expected, gave us a lot of trouble. In the end, we elected a new strategy, keeping the DPS more split between teams than we had previously. This meant DPS reached adds faster, which meant downing them faster. We need to focus adds harder, and may end up being more picky about DPS minimums for this fight in the future. Otherwise, everyone did a good job dodging Ruiner, and tanks were excellent at clearing the purple boulders.

We ended Saturday on Varimathras, and we never got him lower than 50% (4 pulls we didn’t get him under 75%). Mostly, this is a boss positioning issue. Tanks homework this week is to watch tank PoV videos to make sure he’s being placed properly. DPS did a good job at their mechanics – no complaints this week!
Monday: Alt Night
On a lighter note, we had our Alt Night on Monday. We welcomed 3 new characters into the ranks – Thelovefool, Razarnlok (Furrybuddy’s alt), and Dotsmoredots. We give credit to the true newbies for having a minimal difficulty adjusting to Normal mode mechanics and not making the same mistakes twice. Each walked away with several new pieces of gear, including a legendary drop for Lovefool. With any luck they’ll continue to be assets to our Normal runs until they can join us for Heroic. We downed 5 bosses, including Argus (though he gave us a few problems as a result of so many being on alts!). In fact, we downed Argus with only 1 or 2 people left standing. Now that’s cutting it close! Raid Lead reminders: stack right on the boss’s butt. Cuddle up to your raid buddies, and make sure to pop defensives when you have bursts.
Congrats to everyone for another successful raid week!