
Weekend Warriors (Heroic):

Saturday 5pm – 8pm (4:30pm – 4:50pm invites)

Saturday 2pm – 5pm (1:30pm – 1:50pm invites)


Thursday & Friday 7pm – 10pm (6:30pm – 6:50pm invites)

Thursday & Friday 4pm – 7pm (3:30pm – 3:50pm invites)


All raiding events will be posted on the in-game calendar as PST / Server time; all events on the websites will be EST.

Alternate Uldir Raid Strategy Guides

Here’s a list of strategy guides, cheat sheets, quick facts, and more. These aren’t required reading, but it may help you to parse the information. Keep in mind things change between beta and live so things might wind up different when we do it.

Yunosee’s Uldir Cheatsheets – images with diagrams

Phoenix’s Minimalist Fight Guide – images with diagrams but more text

Xora’s Uldir Guide – written document with diagrams
Xora’s Uldir WeakAura Package

Uldir Minimalist Guide – truncated boss mechanics

Questionably Epic’s Uldir Boss Guides – website with diagrams

Sairy’s Uldir Tactics 1.0 – bulletted list rundown of boss mechanics

Crzypck’s Uldir Raid Strategy Guide – heroic and mythic

How to kill fellow raid members in Uldir – if we catch you doing things in this thread, you’re in for it.


A Rash of Promotions

So, we have recently added a bunch of officers and assistants (Legatis and Praetors) to help out with various aspects of Battle for Azeroth. I figured that I would take some time to introduce them to everyone (both new and old) with what their guild roles are!

Lunzzul and Hoss (Deathhoss) – are 1st and 2nd in command of our PVP division

Wolframheart – Guild Tailor (bags) and Guild Bank control

Sym – is currently helping where needed, but may take a leadership role when Warfronts start

Widrick – chiefly responsible for technical issues as they pertain to the guild website

Grim – guild chef and produces our feasts, amongst other things

Bulb – Sunday Funday officer and enchants producer

Lineda – Guild Alchemist and Flask producer

Zextol/Telanlan/Quetzie/Tiv – Raid Leaders (Warlords)

Truetype – Officer in Training – Island Expeditions


Raider Homework for 9/6

This is the first Raider Homework post for Uldir and BFA. Raiders both new and old should pay a lot of attention!

Focus: Normal

For now, we’re going to be focusing on normal bosses for Uldir. Many videos (like FatbossTV) cover both Normal and Heroic in the same video. Please cross-reference videos with Uldir Abilities to see which abilities are not in normal mode so you don’t get overwhelmed by excess mechanics you don’t need to know right now.

Many videos (such as fatboss) also cover theorycrafting of each boss, how Blizzard could change the boss, etc. Don’t worry about that information. We want you to know the mechanics as they are, not what they could be. Also, assume bugs will have been smoothed out before the raid drops. We are not going to penalize you if abilities have changed or are different as a result of bug fixing between beta and live.

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Website Banner Updates & PvP Webpages!

Two small and one big change coming to the site today!

New Top Banner

First, the banner at the top of every webpage has been updated. It used to be our kill pic from Nighthold:

Now, it’s our kill pic from Heroic Antorus:

New Raiding Homepage Banner

Remember the AOTC Mount Photo and submissions?

PvP Pages

Last, but certainly not least, we have a PvP section on the website now.

Much like the Raiding homepage, the PvP homepage has the most recent 10 PvP posts, and links to the rules and complete PvP news feed. It also includes a handy list of PvP-only resources, like addons and macros. The homepage lists requirements for partaking in both casual and rated PvP, and features the picture of us on our mounts after achieving For the Horde.

I continue to try to push out quality of life changes and add new, useful, and fun features to the website for the guild. If you have an idea or a suggestion, fill out the Feedback form and let me know! Is something broken? Submit a Bug Report!

Change to & Reminder About Raiding Rules

I made a slight change to the Raiding Rules & Regulations page today. It was pointed out that I still had “Monday / Wed” listed as the days. This has been corrected to Thursday / Friday.

Also a reminder that because the Raiding Rules were updated for the new season, everyone must re-read them, including those who raided previously or are already Vanguards. We want to ensure that everyone is on equal footing.

Added 3 Additional Questions to Raid Minutes

Didn’t read it yet? You should! Check out the Uldir Pre-Raid Planning Meeting Minutes. It’s required reading for future raid attendees!

Additional questions / clarification I’ve added to the post that I’ve received since the meeting:

Do we need to have the videos memorized / mechanics all memorized?
No! Sorry, that would be totally unreasonable of us. We want you to have a good understanding of mechanics but we do not expect perfection on day one. There are going to be a lot of “Oh, that’s what they meant by XX!” moments as we start raiding.

Can you clarify what you mean by “neck level”?
Yes, of course! By “neck level” we meant “Azerite Level / Artifact Power Level”. We did not mean Heart of Azeroth ilvl. I’ve edited the aforementioned text [in the original post] to clarify this point.

I didn’t read X because Y reasons / I didn’t see it in your post / I must have misheard:
If you don’t see information listed, don’t hesitate to reach out to us – we might have forgotten. Also, if we say something verbally, feel free to tell us “Hey you should add that to a post / put it in raiding announcements”. We don’t want to forget to share important information!

But let me reclarify and reiterate: EVERYTHING posted in Raid Announcements, the Raid News feed, AND the Raider Homework feed is required reading. I also suggest reading the Player Performance category, though that is not currently required.

You can easily cut this down to the “Raid Announcements” and “MoD Website Feed” Discord channels if you don’t want to check the website specially. NOT ALL INFO WILL BE CROSS-POSTED. IT IS ON YOU TO FOLLOW THE APPROPRIATE INFORMATION CHANNELS. “I didn’t see it / didn’t know where to look” is not a valid excuse anymore!


(I’ve also edited some typos. We’re no longer proudly interested in receiving pictures to show off your member.)

Uldir Raid Pre-Planning Meeting Minutes

Wow, guys! What an amazing turnout. We’d like to thank everyone who listened to us and asked good questions about the plans we have for raiding this tier. We hope to see you!

Below is the agenda and the meeting minutes, all information you’ll need to be ready for raids, and more!

Raid Pre-Planning Meeting Agenda:

  • Introduction from the Warlords
  • Rules and Regulations changes
  • Where to Find Important Announcements
  • Required Pre-Raid Reading / Viewing
  • Other Helpful Informatives
  • Helping the Raid Pre-Uldir
  • Raid Loot Distribution and Rolling
  • Raid Composition for Week 1
  • Minimum Requirements for Raiding
  • Q&A

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How to Participate in Raid Meeting Q&A

We expect a big turnout for the Uldir Raid Info meeting on Thursday. 50+ people have signed up. If even half of those who signed up attend, it’s going to get real crazy in the Discord channel. Please mute your microphone during the meeting and do not ask questions or speak up out of turn. Hold off on questions and commentary until the very end. Anyone who speaks up out of turn may find themselves muted and even removed from the channel.

If you have questions before (or that arise during) the meeting, keep track of them in a notepad or otherwise on your own device. Don’t ask/type them during the meeting until Q&A time, please. It will only distract yourself and others and you may miss important information while the Raid Leads are talking.

There will be a post in the Raiding Announcements channel that will have a hand emoji react on it. If you have a question (or several), please react to it. We’ll be answering questions based on the names that react to the post. This is to keep 20 people from speaking up at once all over one-another. Once your question or questions have been answered, feel free to un-react to the post (this is especially useful if multiple people have the same question).

One or more of us will be taking minutes during the meeting so we can share and reference all the information we cover as well as the questions that we didn’t anticipate ahead of time.

Want to Raid with the Guild?

From Raid Leader Zextol:

We will be holding a mandatory pre BFA raid meeting on 8/23/18 (see the guild calendar to sign up). All raiders/new guild members seeking to raid Uldir please make it a point to attend; the event starts at 4:00p server (7:00p Eastern). We will be discussing weekly progression times, rules and requirements, establishing roles and just overall tips for preparing for the first week of Uldir. Speak to a raid leader if you will not be able to catch the meeting and we will do our best to accommodate you. We look forward to seeing you all!!