
Weekend Warriors (Heroic):

Saturday 5pm – 8pm (4:30pm – 4:50pm invites)

Saturday 2pm – 5pm (1:30pm – 1:50pm invites)


Thursday & Friday 7pm – 10pm (6:30pm – 6:50pm invites)

Thursday & Friday 4pm – 7pm (3:30pm – 3:50pm invites)


All raiding events will be posted on the in-game calendar as PST / Server time; all events on the websites will be EST.

MoD LFR Run Saturday!

Never raided? Afraid of LFR trolls or PUGs demanding perfection on week 1? No sweat!

We have an event for Saturday 2pm PST / 5pm EST on the calendar for an LFR run!

LFR is a good time to get your feet wet with raiding, and if we can get a decent-sized guild group, it will mean we control the pace of the LFR. We can cover basic mechanics and help pass gear around if it’s needed.

If we get a decent amount of interest, we’ll make this a weekly event (and maybe move the day, again depending on interest). Otherwise, think of this as a one-time go to get drunk and run through LFR with some friends on a weekend afternoon.

Weekly Raid Roundup: Sep 4 - 10

Welcome back to the weekly raid roundup! For the new folks joining us, every week I take a look at what we did right and wrong on each boss we faced. Sometimes the roundups can be lengthy, while others are blissfully short. I include notes about what we need to watch for and what we should remember from the Raid Leads, so keep an eye out! There’s also a link to the Warcraft Logs for each session, so you can refresh your memory or follow along.

MoD took a vacation at the end of Legion, but came back at the start of BFA to hit the ground running so we could push hard and fast this tier. Our first level 120 popped early on the 14th (congrats, Corignis!), and the rest of us hustled to catch up and spam heroics, mythics, and eventually M+ when they became available. Between old hats coordinating at the start of the expansion and several strong new recruits, we’ve made an outstanding start to the raid tier, culminating on an 8/8 normal clear on week 1 – an unprecedented feat for the Ministry of Defense.

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Another G'huun Attempt on the Calendar

Given our general success and progress on Sunday, we’ve decided to see if there’s interest in going after him again on Monday (same time as usual raids).

If you’re interested, please sign up as “confirmed” in game. If you’re not sure, hit “tentative”. 4 raids on one week is a lot but I know there’s excitement since we got him to 8%. We’d hate to lose steam and disappoint anyone taking a look at getting the kill on week 1.

(Reminder: you still have to be confirmed for an invite. Bonus raid nights don’t count towards promotions to Vanguard.)

Gunning for G'huun on Sunday!

On account of our raid team going 7/8 in two days (holy smokes are we impressed), we’re going to be continuing a trend we picked up in Antorus with Argus, and setting up another raid time this weekend.

Sunday at 5pm PST / 8pm EST we will be going for the kill on G’huun. Invites start going out at a half an hour before, as usual.

Sunday Funday will only be going from 3-5 PST / 6-8 EST as a result.

Please watch the G’huun videos from previous Raider Homework assignments. If FatBoss adds a live (not beta) video between now and then, I’ll make sure to post it for you guys! If anyone has G’huun experience, we welcome you to share your thoughts and strategies in the Raiding Discussion Discord channel.

As a reminder, this is still only for those who properly confirmed with a Warlord that you’ve read the rules / done the homework. This “pick up” event does not count towards or against Vanguard promotions.

Raider Homework for 9/7 and 9/11

For 9/7, please thoroughly watch the last bosses of Uldir. We’ve included some more complete videos, since Fatboss has not added all bosses for live videos yet. However, feel free to watch whichever videos you please.

Please also concentrate on the Heroic mechanics of Taloc in case we decide to go for him.

For Tuesday, make sure to run a +5 mythic to get sweet M+ loot!

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Raid ilvl requirement lowered to 340

Because Blizzard decided to be a shitter with gear this xpack (especially weapons / offhands), we’ve decided to lower the ilvl requirements for raid inclusion to 340. Too many people are stuck at 343 in a panic unable to make the cut. That’s not fair to you or to us, so we’re lowering the numbers (at least for now). I’ll be updating the rules accordingly!

As a reminder: hitting the raw numbers isn’t enough to qualify for raid. You must also read the following:

Rules & Regulations

Raider Homework for 9/6

8/23 Raid Meeting Minutes

Once you’ve read all that, confirm that fact with Quetzie. If you do not properly confirm your understanding of the aforementioned, you do not get to raid with us, even if you’re 350 ilvl and 25 azerite level.

Confirmations must be made by 5pm EST / 2pm PST. If you do not properly confirm you have 1 additional hour to do it right. No confirmations will be accepted after 6pm/3pm, and invites go out at 6:30/3:30.

Alternate Uldir Raid Strategy Guides

Here’s a list of strategy guides, cheat sheets, quick facts, and more. These aren’t required reading, but it may help you to parse the information. Keep in mind things change between beta and live so things might wind up different when we do it.

Yunosee’s Uldir Cheatsheets – images with diagrams

Phoenix’s Minimalist Fight Guide – images with diagrams but more text

Xora’s Uldir Guide – written document with diagrams
Xora’s Uldir WeakAura Package

Uldir Minimalist Guide – truncated boss mechanics

Questionably Epic’s Uldir Boss Guides – website with diagrams

Sairy’s Uldir Tactics 1.0 – bulletted list rundown of boss mechanics

Crzypck’s Uldir Raid Strategy Guide – heroic and mythic

How to kill fellow raid members in Uldir – if we catch you doing things in this thread, you’re in for it.


A Rash of Promotions

So, we have recently added a bunch of officers and assistants (Legatis and Praetors) to help out with various aspects of Battle for Azeroth. I figured that I would take some time to introduce them to everyone (both new and old) with what their guild roles are!

Lunzzul and Hoss (Deathhoss) – are 1st and 2nd in command of our PVP division

Wolframheart – Guild Tailor (bags) and Guild Bank control

Sym – is currently helping where needed, but may take a leadership role when Warfronts start

Widrick – chiefly responsible for technical issues as they pertain to the guild website

Grim – guild chef and produces our feasts, amongst other things

Bulb – Sunday Funday officer and enchants producer

Lineda – Guild Alchemist and Flask producer

Zextol/Telanlan/Quetzie/Tiv – Raid Leaders (Warlords)

Truetype – Officer in Training – Island Expeditions


Raider Homework for 9/6

This is the first Raider Homework post for Uldir and BFA. Raiders both new and old should pay a lot of attention!

Focus: Normal

For now, we’re going to be focusing on normal bosses for Uldir. Many videos (like FatbossTV) cover both Normal and Heroic in the same video. Please cross-reference videos with Uldir Abilities to see which abilities are not in normal mode so you don’t get overwhelmed by excess mechanics you don’t need to know right now.

Many videos (such as fatboss) also cover theorycrafting of each boss, how Blizzard could change the boss, etc. Don’t worry about that information. We want you to know the mechanics as they are, not what they could be. Also, assume bugs will have been smoothed out before the raid drops. We are not going to penalize you if abilities have changed or are different as a result of bug fixing between beta and live.

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