We’re going to ignore Oct 30 – November 5 and pretend it never happened.
Thursday: Mythic
It took us a few tries to get Taloc down. We had some problems with lasers or getting knocked off by the bloods. Generally however, Taloc is as easy on Mythic as it is on other difficulties.
We had some very good pulls on MOTHER with very little downtime between them. We also adopted a new strategy of pulling the boss, resetting, and running into the room to stack right next to the wall. This made the initial transition much cleaner. Crossing became easier over time as we settled into the specifics of knowing when to cross, how, and making sure not to move too far after crossing over.

We still had mishaps caused by lag or improper use of defensives, but we’re really getting the “step 1” part down. Arguably, this is the second hardest part of the fight.
After crossing, we need to kill adds. I will say that this week was generally pretty good. We had casts get off on occasion, but on account of smoother crossings we also had smoother add kills.
We also got better about standing near the wall to melee MOTHER through it. Pets will harmlessly cross through, treants and other summoned abilities can do damage, and of course even casters can safely whack her with a staff! This smidgen of DPS may not seem important now, but you’d be surprised how much it helps later…
After crossing MOTHER into Room 2, dodging mechanics there is pretty easy for us. Then, it becomes a waiting game of knowing when Spirit Link is back off cooldown and making sure we’re ready.
The transition from Room 2 into Room 3 is the most dangerous transition and the hardest to achieve. We need a good setup and we need everyone on the same page.

The yellow line on the left is the wall between rooms 2 and 3. The unhappy face is MOTHER. The silver crescent is Quetzie, marked with the Moon over her head to people know where to stack in Room 1 and now.
During the final Wind phase of room 2, players need to be nearby – but not directly against – the wall of Room 3. Many times, players are spread incredibly far across the room – even close to the wall of Room 1! They’re never going to make it to the Room 3 wall in time. Instead, during the final Wind phase, drag your character over to Quetzie. Line up with her. She’ll be standing nearby the Room 3 wall, with MOTHER between her and the wall. After the final fire is cast (not before!), the group books it to the wall, throws down all defensives and heals, and crosses as a quick succession – ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR – just like we do in Transition 1.
If all goes well – and so far it only has a small handful of times – we’ll be in Room 3, casting lust, and gunning down the adds, then treating Room 3 just as we did Room 2.
It all came together, however – in the nick of time.

We moved up to #11 on the server and remain #1 Horde.
By the way: Remember what I said earlier about DPSing through the wall? We killed MOTHER when her room was at 94% full. That left us with mere seconds left for a kill.
Or, as expressed by Miatreeleafa on stream seconds before we got her:

Also, congrats to Tusker for hitting a gold parse on the kill:

For those curious: we had 51 wipes on MOTHER, or 45 not counting the “week we don’t speak of”. We really only had 2 nights spent working on her, so that’s not so bad!
Thursday Mythic logs
Friday: G’huun and friends
Because we had a saved lockout from last week, we jumped right into G’huun.
We only had 5 pulls that were what I will call “net garbage” as a result from orb mishaps in phase 1. We had many pulls reach well into phase 2 and 5 into Phase 3, with 3 pulls at 90 and higher. We comped down and swapped some people around due to mechanic failures, and had a few missteps but not many. Our kill was clean, however – once again we had nobody die until Phase 3.
Congrats to our new AOTC title holders: Deathhoss, Eviandrae, Avianne, Nari, Lillithh, and Sylvvannas.

After G’huun, we went to Ripblade’s lockout: he had an opening on Zul and Mythrax.
Zul was a 1-shot, which has never happened before. Everyone was very clean. Interrupts on Hexers, downing Crushers fast, the tanks did a good job at dropping their debuff, and ranged stacked mid. We had a good transition, too. Hopefully we can emulate this in future weeks.
Mythrax was a little less clean (to say the least). We actually had both tanks die, resed one, and he dies again. Fortunately, we had enough DPS and HPS to keep the fight going for a kill.
Friday logs
Monday: Alt Night
Alt night is slowly but surely transitioning into more and more Heroic bosses. We went on Normal first, skipping the first three bosses. In future weeks we’ll be continuing to up this number.
Normal is almost boring at this point, even 2 healing it as we were sometimes. G’huun we needed more healing and had a few problems with orb runners (mostly healing issues and a miscommunication with new runners). But it only took us 3 tries.
Taloc and Mother on Heroic were 1 shots. We did move MOTHER into room 3, which is unusual for us on heroic, but we needed the practice transitioning.
Monday Logs 1
Monday Logs 2
BoE Farm and Guild Bank repairs
On account of having a post-MOTHER lockout, we spent some time Sunday and after alt night on Monday farming BoEs. We’re happy to announce that we got 5 Mythic BoEs and 1 random-drop BoE. This windfall ensures that we will have plenty of money in the guild bank, and thus the repair allocation for Vanguards and Gladiators has been increased. Hopefully we can make this a recurring event as we continue to kill bosses on Mythic, and then will be set for quite a while.
Social Media
As you might be aware, MoD is now on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We’re holding a contest for anyone who follows us and submit their MoD stories! You may have already read Deiselboy’s account, so it’s time to share yours!
Plus, who wants to miss out on this sort of quality content: