Lately, I have noticed a couple of things about the guild.
There are almost no feral mains, if any at all.
A lot of people have said that they plan on maining a Zandalari feral.
I’m not here to discourage anyone, burst any bubbles, or ruin the fun of being your very own dinosaur cat. I’m also not here to make it seem like the best class ever. I will also be the first one to tell you this: despite it being the most fun and unique class, in my opinion, it can and will suck.
This article is strictly based on my own individual experience, and it’s mostly just for fun and to have a chuckle!
Earlier bosses are cleaning up nicely in both groups. Opulence is now mostly cake for each group, though we are monitoring performance on basic mechanics and trimming down where necessary.
Depending on the class stacking, we have been getting creative with CC. For example, Opulence with 4 monks makes for a square of Ring of Peaces in order to trap adds:
Conclave continues to be a tricky one for both groups. Gronk is not falling when he needs to (before the first Paku wind), so we’re struggling a bit to make up for that. Gronk is our first major DPS check of the tier – and a major mechanics one at the same time.
Too many people in both groups were continuing to get hit by Krag’wa’s wrath. There are also a surprising number of buffed raptors making it around.
Masters of Mayhem
Black team got their first look at Rastakhan. He has several new mechanics that make for a steep learning curve, right up through phase 3 of the fight. Too many people are being hit by frogs, and there is too much tank damage being taken from avoidable mechanics
I missed the first hour of Red Team’s attempts on Conclave, so I cannot comment on those pulls. However, I gathered that many people were still not bringing Kimbul’s Wrath out of the group, and others were not paying attention to the Krag’wa circle in time to move. When I did join, we got the kill, and it was an incredibly clean job well done – no noticeable overlaps of Kimbul, very few people hit by Krag’wa, and nobody died to raptors. All in all, massive improvements from everyone involved.
Freaks and Geeks
Rastakhan adds several new mechanics to Heroic. For one, there’s a brand new add in both Phase 1 and Phase 3. Two, there’s a soaking mechanic in Phase 1. Three, there are flame totems in Phase 1. Oh, and that plague of toads? They leave puddles behind.
Nothin’ to it.
Black Team spent two nights working strategy for this. In between breaks and wipes, tanks opted to move Rastakhan at specific markers so the flame tongue totems would not be within range to strike after being placed. The tank holding Rastakhan would call out when toads were coming. This would allow plenty of time for the DPS and the other tank to move / follow the adds out of the way of the toads and their deadly puddles. The second soak has a nasty overlap with a tank mechanic for damage, so it’s good for healers to pop a cooldown here (one of ironbark, barrier, spirit link, etc) to help offset.
Moving into phase 2, the tank swap mechanic is much the same as on normal. Fire spreads faster, so it’s more important to stay as spread as possible. Be careful not to AoE the totems controlling players – it may be beneficial for priests here to MC a melee character away from the totem so they don’t die.
Red Team made slight but strong strategic changes to aid in dropping death gates in useful locations in Phase 2. They tanked Rastakhan slightly closer to the throne, allowing ranged DPS to spread more in the direction of the door where we enter the room. This allows ranged DPS to more effectively drop the death doors where the Phase 3 death realm participants can reach them.
Black Team tried to have CC on adds the first night, focusing down one at a time. On night 2 and on Red team, both teams said “to hell with that” and focused on interrupting when possible, cleaving adds as best they could.
Both teams struggled with the Death Realm successfully making it out, but it seems that proper Death Door placement affects this significantly. There may need to be changes to add some stronger DPS to the death realm, much like moving stronger DPS to the left side of the Opulence fight.
There is a lot of mess involved in Part 4 a Rastakhan kill. We’re assured this is normal…
…and both teams are proud to say they downed Rastakhan this week.
Masters of MayhemFreaks and Geeks
Masters of Mayhem spent several hours working on Mekkatorque. There is 1 new mechanic: Wormhole Generator (teleports everyone in the raid to a random player’s location), and a big adjustment to a familiar mechanic: only those within the robots can see colors.
To be covered in a later section, but this requires a lot more radio silence than other bosses. It also requires knowing how the fight plays out. For example, the second wormhole generator happens 3 seconds after people get the gigavolt bomb planted on them. This means WAITING to cast movement abilities until AFTER the wormhole goes off.
There is ONE Wormhole Generator in the last phase. This will include shrunk people AND big people. If you are shrunk, you move first. I cannot stress this enough: If you are large and there are shrunk people, DO NOT MOVE. Even if you think it’s safe, triple-check that there are no little people under your feet before moving.
It’s imperative to dodge the blaster cannon. For the most part this is easily avoidable. Ranged DPS and heals have NO excuse to be hit by it.
Callouts for robots will happen as follows. For example:
Lillith, Coldryder, and Urostek get into robots. Coldryder calls out “Cold is lead. Lillith red, Uro green. Uro, what am I?” This will repeat until everyone has their colors listed.
If there is a tank that needs to get into a robot, they take priority. For example:
Telann, Bellatori, and Corignis are in robots. Corignis calls out “Corig is lead. Telann, red. Telann, blue. Telann, red. Telann, out.” Then, he will call “Bella, red. What am I?” to which Bellatori will respond “Corig, Blue”.
If there is a person with no / crappy /muted mic and a tank, call out the tank but the tank WILL NOT LEAVE UNTIL TOLD. The rotation will be as follows:
Quetzie, Atesies, and Avarkus are in robots. Quetzie calls out “Quetzie has lead. Atesies, red. Atesies, green. Atesies, red. What am I?” Atesies will call out “Quetzie, blue. Quetzie, yellow. Quetzie, green.” Quetzie says “Atesies, out” and proceeds to call Avarkus’s colors while Atesies leaves her robot. Once all of Avarkus’s colors are called, they can exit.
For our sanity and yours, we’re cutting back significantly on raid-wide callouts. I may adjust this list over the next few days.
Only calling out add / boss DPS swap. We will not be calling out blind unless the add is right in the middle of everyone.
Calling out add spawn / swap.
May reactive call-out when people need to move if they are being thrown at if they do not move immediately.
Individuals will call out when they are using the Apetagonizer Core.
We will not be calling out the rocket fire spawn
Call out which bomb to swap to
Call out add
Individuals will call out when they are clearing magma traps
We will not be calling out magma trap spawn
There should be very little need for callouts in the gauntlet. Learn to pay attention.
Topaz individuals will discuss stack count with one another
If a person is going to be BoP / Immunitied OR if they are going to self-sacrifice and die so the raid takes less damage
Individuals will discuss CC order on the adds
There is no need for anyone to call out if they are silenced by Akunda unless you have been silenced for over fifteen seconds (half the duration). Generally, the healers will get to you. Just sit tight.
Individuals may call out if there are adds remaining. If there is an add on a tank, it’s imperative to kill that first. Tanks, please call.
We will not call out hex, leap, etc, unless…
We may reactive call-out if a person is not bringing Akunda, Kimbul, etc to the back of the Paku circle
The tank taking Rastakhan in P1 will call out when Toads are coming
We will not be calling out fire circle
We will not be calling out death’s doors
We will continue to call out when the groups need to move to get to either death or living realm
We will not call out when people get the Gigavolt charge
We will not call out every time Buster Cannon goes off. Only if it’s pointed at a place where a player is hiding with charge or if it’s right down the middle.
We may reactive call-out when we need big people to stand still so shrunk people can move.
Individuals should never call out when they are shrunk. (We don’t care. Also we can see that you’re shrunk.) Only call out when you are in a robot and taking lead or answering back (as above).
Individuals do not need to call out what rock they are going to with Gigavolt. If you see someone else with the debuff nearby, quickly comment “Quetzie will take red, Lillithh you take yellow”
Reread the comments about about robot callouts in the Mekkatorque fight discussion above.
Avoid calling out if you need external heals unless you are at <50% health and have none of your own.
Respect your fellow Raiders
You are not in a vacuum when you raid. Your actions or inaction have effects on others and their ability to enjoy the game. Please do not intend to waste 6 hours of people’s time a week because you do not intend to behave like an adult.
Those who are absent, or those who are absent minded, make it hard for us to recruit for what is missing in either group. A person who shows up “sometimes maybe” with no warning, or who shows up but then takes long breaks, or who doesn’t pay attention, will find themselves replaced and put on the sub list. We’ve done it before already this tier, and we will do it again.
We’ve noticed a number of people recently that haven’t been giving their raid their full attention. Real life comes first, but if you’re here physically, then you should be here mentally, too. Long breaks, phone texts, typing in chat during fights, drunkenness, etc all take away from 20 other people’s enjoyment of the game. We certainly understand if something comes up unexpectedly (hurt kiddos, surprises at the door), but try to plan around having these 3 hours of the night committed to the group. If you can’t commit to the full 3 hours then we will work with you as best we can.
Absences and Tardiness
Tagging missing people in Discord every week gets irritating. If you know you won’t be here or will be late, you need to tell us ASAP so we can find a replacement for your role. Accidents happen and problems arise unexpectedly, but if you know you have work, school, or family commitments, you need to tell us (though you don’t need to tell us details). We’re not going to be tagging people as much, if at all, on Discord anymore to remind them to get on.
New Warlords
As you’ve likely heard by now, Harmesi and Lineda have been promoted to Warlords. As the remaining Black Team Warlords phase out, Harmesi and Lineda will be taking over the responsibilities for Red Team (there is potentially room for advancement for others as well). Harmesi and Lineda will be taking full responsibility of the team’s decision making from hereon out, with the rest of us providing support and advice where we can. Please cut them some slack in this transitional period.
This is the first step to bringing back alt nights for the teams. The more you support everyone involved, the sooner those will return.
Raid Comp, Trades, and Recruitment
We’ve taken steps this week to adjust raid composition to fill in missing roles, trade people whose time slots will work out better, and put out feelers to fill in gaps where teams are missing roles. We will continue to do so. As a general rule, if you think there’s a gap on either team, we probably noticed it weeks ago and have been working on it this whole time, shut up about it, we know, we’re fixing it. These things take time. We cannot magic heroic-level raiders out of thin air. If you know anyone who can fill in missing roles from either team, or who wants a spot on the raid team, we will work with them to see what can be done.
Sorry I’m a bit late – wasn’t sure about some information to include this week or next. Will include it in the next!
Opening Night
Both groups had easy clears up through Opulence. There are a few mishaps on Grong with tank throws and the people with the orbs dying, but otherwise both groups are getting very comfortable with the first three bosses.
Opulence took 6 tries per group to get down. For Red Team, the solution was to put the heaviest-hitting characters on the left side (reducing the number of awful overlap mechanics they needed to face). Going forward this should lead to much faster kills. Black Team had a few missteps but should be able to apply what Red Team learned to the boss to down him faster in the future. Red Team went from an entire night spent on Opulence last monday, to downing him in 6 tries not even a week later.
Conclave is a tough fight for both groups. Black Team pulled in a third tank to help reset the stacks on Paku and Kimbul. This allowed the bosses to not cross/overlap and made tank swaps faster and more reliable. Red Team followed suit.
If a melee non-tank taunts off of Paku or Kimbul, the boss continues to gain stacks. This means that taunting at 12, a melee person will get hit with a 13 stack Paku. Then a 14…etc. Taunt-offs with melee DPS need to be exact or the dps will simply be 1- or 2-shot. It’s much safer for us right now to have a tank taunt off, resetting stacks to zero.
Both groups are having a ton of problems with the Krag’wa and Paku overlap. Both groups should have the tanks off to the sides and the majority of DPS way on the edge of the circle. This will hopefully draw Krag’wa to the DPS, who will then run back and forth between the front of the circle and the middle repeatedly, drawing them out. There should be a couple dps towards the back to ensure it’s never a tank that gets jumped on.
This is a good theory, of course, but it doesn’t always work out in reality. We’re still fine-tuning as best we can, so people have to be ready to move. The Krag’wa circle IS bigger than Darkness, and DPSing during Paku isn’t important. So simply yank your camera over your head and look for the white swirly, then run out of it. It’s very easy – even as a DPS who sits on the outside of Conclave as froggy bait, I can count the number of times I’ve been hit by him on one hand.
Killing Gonk before the first Paku winds seems to be the key to success. Groups may have to trim down excessively just to ensure that Gonk loses health fast enough. That said, Red Team was missing a few key DPS players from their run – hopefully they’ll be back in action this week and make for a smooth kill.
Masters of Mayhem
King Rastakhan
Rastakhan seems to have only one difficult phase on heroic – phase 3, where we split into 2 realms. Keeping adds CCd is going to be vital. Otherwise, the other mechanics aren’t too bad. People need to pay attention to the frog path – if you have the absorb debuff on you, move out of the way of the frog! Tanks and healers run the risk of taking damage from from the fire snake totems in phase 1. However, they’re easy to dodge once you get into the rhythm. Practice will make perfect here.
We may change up who we put into the death realm in the future. The faster we get Bwonsamdi down, the better. The living realm is all about soaking and priority killing adds until the death realm people show up again.
In the spirit of getting off-tanks used to mechanics and teaching some new people how we run the raid, we ran through normal on Saturday morning up through blockade, and finished Blockade and Jaina monday night. Blockade and Jaina were incredibly small groups – 16 people on Blockade and 19 people on Jaina. Small groups with good execution of mechanics are vital for both fights. Every boss was 1-shot except for conclave, blockade, and Jaina, which were all 2-shot.
We’ll likely run this again in the future before we officially bring back alt nights (which we’re in the process of – very soon!)
For those interested in Black Temple Timewalking this week, Tiraffe is setting up a run for people. Check out the pinned post in Raiding Discussion on discord:
Hey guys, Tiraffe here. I’m planning on hosting a Late Night Timewalking Black Temple shortly after red team finishes this Saturday, starting at 8:15pm est. Planning on going until 11:30pm est. Demonhunters come and get your Warglaive of Azzinoth tmog.
If you’re interested, react with something so I can get some kind count of who’s thinking of coming. The more folks we have, the easier the bosses will be. I’ll be posting a quick guide later on how to optimize gear for Timewalking stuff too.
Make sure to find and react to his post so he’ll know you’re interested!
This week, both teams headed into heroic for the first time!
Opening Night
Champion of the Light
Black team had a very good first pull on Champion, but still has problems with “add wrangling”. Too many people are getting hit by Wave of Light, and Blinding Faith is a continual problem for some people on both teams (though it’s made harder when adds are improperly placed).
Both teams are generally awful at interrupts. It only takes a second to tab to one of the healer minions and interrupt them, but most people aren’t doing it.
Both teams had similar, clean kills; only 3 deaths. 2 of them were tanks and the remainder was someone else dying at the end from boss damage.
Freaks and Geeks
We had a few discoveries this week – for example, adds dying too close to the boss gave him bonus energy, which made tantrum more deadly. We tried a variety of different styles of stacking for large ranged groups – from 1 group to 2 groups, moving when able. That strategy was quickly abandoned as being too complex.
When the tank gets thrown at a player, it’s important to stand still and wait. The tank will be stunned for 1-2 seconds and unable to move, meaning if you abandon them, they’ll get feared. It’s important to stay with the tank during this phase. As soon as a tank gets picked up, a melee DPS needs to stand on the other tank. When the thrown tank lands, they need to walk back together. A potentially helpful weakaura is located here.
In the end, the boss kill is mostly about team comp. We had 4 healers for fewer people on Black team, but we needed an extra healer on Red to make up for the larger team size. As soon as we added an extra healer to Red, they 1-shot the boss, after having 14 previous wipes. Black only took 4 pulls on him to adjust to the heroic changes.
Masters of MayhemFreaks and Geeks
Jadefire Masters
The important thing for this fight seems to be clearing moving away from magma traps and clearing them efficiently. There’s a pretty long windup on the cast, so there’s not much excuse for being hit by them as they spawn. Certain classes can clear them without incident – rogues, hunters, and paladins can all remove multiple traps at once. Other classes can negate fall damage with blinks, jumps, teleports, slow falls, or even a good priest-yank back to safety.
Healers need to be on top of dispells (we had a few pop off for tons of raid-wide damage) but for the most part, we haven’t had issues.
The Xuen tiger add is annoying and we learned to adjust as time went on. During explosive, every DPS would get inside an explosive orb and kill the add while cleaving the orb for maximum efficiency.
The pattern for the monk puzzle will always be Blue, Green, Orange, Green, Blue. This week they’ve made it easier to see, so if we do miss the DPS push threshold, hopefully it won’t be an issue.
Both teams suffered the gauntlet here. There are no new mechanics compared to normal, but both teams still struggled with then regardless, which was perplexing to raid leads.
Right-side add always turns clockwise, and you should always be stacked on his butt unless there’s a potential fire-laser mechanic. Even then, the fire-laser mechanic doesn’t do a ton of damage. I’ve said it a number of times and I will say it again: getting fire-laser out of the group is less important than staying alive. There is too much complaining about “fire being under the boss!”. That’s just going to happen because of the fire-spin mechanic coinciding with lasers.
In the future, we may simply ask those with fire laser to make as small a circle – wherever they are – as possible. The tank can then move the add away from this when it’s happening. Or, if it’s happening during a fire-laser-spin, move the miniboss after. The real issue with the fire-laser comes from getting more than 2 instances of it. We’re losing DPS to 1-shot mechanics when we need them alive to kill the miniboss before we get 3 instances of fire-laser on the ground.
Left-side…I’ve never been on. However, both groups had issues with people running the static ability out and dropping it out of the group.
This fight is very important to be fast-reacting with mechanics. If you try to finish a cast, chances are you or someone nearby you will die, much like Blockade.
In the future, Warlords are going to be comping down significantly sooner than we have been. People dying to avoidable 1-shots, especially without using any defensives, are not doing anything but adding HP to the boss and minibosses.
Once in the last room, however, the fight is very simple.
Black team managed to reach Conclave, and we’re in for a trick here. Multiple ranged DPS – especially those with the Incandescent Sliver trinket – spread out from the group around the center of the room. This allowed the new Krag’wa mechanic to aim for only one person and thus only make one person have to move at a time.
It is much more imperative that the DPS and Tanks are properly situation in a Paku wind blast. Otherwise, mechanics like Krag’wa or Kimbul will wipe the raid, as they combo into massive damage.
Raptors do significantly more damage and also gain buffs. It’s imperative for mages to spellsteal both these buffs and the haste buff from Paku’s aspect.
Jibbles through a quick guild group together on Sunday to down Mythic Champion of the Light before LFR started. The boss went down in <10 pulls and much loot was enjoyed. He intends to run it again so hopefully that gives both groups a leg up on goodies for their runs!
Warlords are going to trim down groups much earlier than they have been. We’ve been trying to give people chances to make up for mistakes, but some people do not seem to be showing improvement on certain bosses or mechanics. We’ll work with you when we can, but it won’t be able to be done mid-raid. If we’re able we will reach out and provide assistance – maybe helpful WAs or addons, practice runs on normal, etc.
Please don’t whisper warlords graphs and stats during a raid, or if you must, only do so once. We all have the combatlogs, we all have details or recount or skada, and we do pay a lot more attention to those around us than the average raider does. We’re aware of what you’re showing us. If we’re not addressing it, it’s either because we can’t address it at the time, or we’re not sure of the best fix and will need to think about it.
Both teams started with very solid reclears, 1-shotting bosses that made us struggle and squirm last week. Nothing to cover here – we simply refined strategy and honed in on what works and what doesn’t. Black had 1 extra pull on Conclave due to tank damage using battle-res’s.
Surprisingly, both teams had to have additional pulls on Mekkatorque. We have people who are not moving the raid-wide damage close enough to the wall, and others who are not helping themselves with the robot mechanics. We wanted only those inside robots to be calling out colors (as that’s what’s going to happen in Heroic), but people either couldn’t find another robot, or they completely forgot. We only had 1-2 times that was successful in each group.
We’re asking that people start by using to help callouts. Hopefully as time goes on there will be other auras that will help callouts. In the meantime, if you do not have a microphone when we get to Heroic Mekkatorque, you either: a) need to get one b) need to be fast with typing c) need to sit.
Stormwall Blockade
Both teams reached Stormwall Blockade with only a few pulls left in them. Black had more practice on the pier, and thus downed the boss in 3 pulls. We wound up completely ignoring adds eventually and just burning the boss down while the timer ticked (if anyone remembers our first MOTHER kill, it was a lot like that).
Red reached the pier every time, but only had enough time for 2 pulls. Much like Black’s previous week, Red had a practice day on Sunday to work on the mechanics of the stormwall fight. It was a relaxed atmosphere and we spent a good amount of time discussing what worked, what didn’t, what each buff/debuff did, and expectations of individuals within the fight re: soaking, slows, etc. We were missing some key players (all of our hunters, for example) but had some very solid pulls. We also had a new strategy of having a side-soak group to pick up any Ires on the far side of the dock.
Black Team spent the night progressing on Jaina. We were missing a few key players here, but we worked around their absence. We learned before the start of the fight that the adds in the boat phase can be Mind Controlled and walked off the boat, so we had our priests hop to. This left the DPS with more damage on the boss. We organized specific ranged DPS to have specific cannons to fire (for example, I was always the front-right cannon).
When we got to the second phase with barrels, we marked specific barrels and moved clockwise from barrel to barrel. We also assigned specific people to get to Jaina first and interrupt her, while the rest of us sat back and just dodged mechanics (speedy rogues and shamans worked well here).
We opted to lust when we got the first or second mirror image add, depending on who was up and how we were progressing.
RLs made some mistakes with jaina’s health percentage (she needs to get to 30% and we kept thinking 40%) but recovered well.
In order to down her, we had to comp down significantly – we simply had too many bodies on the field, causing a number of problems that wouldn’t arise otherwise. We went with 3 healers and 8 DPS, which dropped Jaina’s health a significant amount.
Our kill was our cleanest pull – only lost 2 people right at the end, and had incredibly few people be frozen solid.
Red Team spent most of their night progressing on Blockade. We were missing some key players again, so we had to make due with some fills. There were a number of really well-done pulls on the pier. Cleaning up the sea swells is becoming easier as people group and re-orient themselves back to where they need to be more often. More people are remembering to use CC to slow the adds. All in all it came down to a question of when to lust, and when to hold off. We wound up with a cleaner Blockade kill than black team because of persistence and practice.
Because we downed Blockade with time to spare, we also wound up getting to look at Jaina. We again assigned ranged DPS to specific cannons, and had groups rotate around the room barrels to clear stacks. Our reaching Jaina went about as expected- too many people got frozen. We need to find some specific people who can reach her fast. However, we reached her phases pretty quickly, so I suspect it won’t take long to get a kill on her.
Both teams will begin progressing Heroic this week. If anyone who missed a Jaina kill from Black, or those from Red want to give her a shot, we will consider doing that on the second night (or when we hit a wall on heroic, whichever comes first). But it hasn’t yet been decided. Feel free to PUG normal regardless. We’re heroic progressing full-time now!
Because Heroic is more tough than normal (duh) we’re going to start being less lax about benching people for repeated mechanic failure. If you mess up because you’ve never seen a mechanic before, that’s fine! Don’t worry. Nobody expect perfection. But if you mess up after seeing the mechanic a 5th time…well…that’s a problem. Raid-wipe mechanics are more prevalent in Heroic and if the same people are causing them we’ll sit you temporarily until something can be figured out to help you improve.
Attendance and Breaks
No-call no-shows are starting to hurt the groups. If you cannot attend regularly, please consider bowing out and moving to our backup roster. There are going to be people that we are going to start doing that to this week because we are simply not receiving communications from them. If you know that you will be absent, let us know ahead of time so we can plan for it. We will never penalize someone for known absences, or if something extraneous comes up (illness etc).
Stop taking breaks at unassigned times. We’re losing valuable time to people getting up to pee, getting drinks, etc during non-break times. Some nights it seems like every pull that someone has to leave “for just a minute” (could be upwards of five). Pee during trash, get drinks when you’re dead (and unlikely to be resed). The more this happens the more likely you will find yourself losing your spot. We understand, again, if something extraneous happens (internet goes out, kid fell), but we’re noticing a trend that’s causing us to take too much time between pulls.
At the moment, both teams are lacking reliable attendees of some classes or specs. We’re going to start looking into recruiting reliable people to come to raids and benching the no-call no-shows. This will be a bit of a transition. If you know hard-hitting, mechanically-oriented players who would do well on either team, have them reach out to us. We’re not looking for all specs, but we’ll take names down anyway.
Complaints and Concerns
I’ll start by saying that your complaints aren’t falling on deaf ears and your voices aren’t unheard…provided we get a chance to hear them. If all you do is complain in private or make snippy comments in discord text channels, we won’t be able to properly address your concerns (many of which are likely valid). If you’re afraid to reach out to a Warlord, you are always welcome to reach out to Urostek. He’s a pretty chill bro.
Moving to two teams has been rough. It’s been stressful for you and it’s been stressful for the raid leads. I haven’t had a night off in over 2 weeks, between raiding 5 nights a week (including pickups) and bowling for 2 nights a week. 6 hours per group + pickups = 15 hours a week raiding. And that is not even counting the pre-planning, review, followups, and more than the raid leads do for each group, separately. That’s a lot of hours – basically a part-time job. Chances are I’ve been unduly unkind as a result, and I know the other raid leads have snapped as well. We apologize if we’ve been rude to anyone. We’re trying to make this work the best we can, but we’re only human. That said we’ve all taken some time to step back and breathe and be less intense about our feedback mid-raid. Hopefully it smooths out over time.
At the moment we’re somewhat resistant to change because we want everyone to give this time to work, and we want people to be patient as we work through the kinks. If it seems like we’re being stubborn, it’s because we want you to give us a little slack right now. We’re doing this for fun, and for you guys to have fun.
That said, we’re open to suggestions and are happy to work with you on what you think we can do to improve. Resulting from discussions, we’ve halted the search for an extra healer for Black team; we added a pickup day for Blockade for red; we posted a poll about the Saturday times (a time that is inconvenient for the Warlords won and we stuck with it); we’ve spoken to people comparing the teams unfavorably or too competitively; we’re bringing back alt nights (soonTM).
We’re getting a lot of negative, hurtful comments about our character as a result of how we’ve chosen to run things. It really stings to be called names when I and the other Warlords doubled up our time and energy to provide a fun environment for the largest group of people we could. If you have any feedback on the way things are run or how things are going, please take a breath and try to come up with a viable solution before reaching out to us. If you can’t come up with one, at least be patient when you talk to us, because we may not have a way to address your concern immediately, either. But I can promise we’ll try.
We know that not everyone is happy we moved to two teams. Unfortunately the alternative was to bench 30+ people, including some of our longtime friends. We’re not changing this decision. Everything else is open for discussion.
For those who haven’t see the calendar, today marks the return of Guild LFR, and the first LFR of the season.
Harmesi took over LFR from me at the end of Uldir and has been doing an excellent job.
This is a good opportunity to get in gear for alts or hope for titanforged trinkets and weapons for mains. Any loot you don’t need, save until after the run is over – we will be doing loot rolls as a group at the conclusion of the LFR wing. Harm runs a tight ship and rolls fly by fast, so pay attention if you think you may need something!
For those who haven’t raided with us before, it’s a great opportunity to get your feet wet. While both main raid teams are pretty full right now, we’ve always got an eye out for those who can fill roles in case of absences or join the team when someone quits raiding.
Harm will be running LFR on a weekly basis. Wing 1 is the only one out right now, but when wings 2 and 3 release, they’ll be on the list as well.
This week’s LFR starts in about half an hour, 3pm EST. We hope to see you there!
Welcome back to the weekly raid roundup! For the new folks joining us, every week I take a look at what we did right and wrong on each boss we faced. Sometimes the roundups can be lengthy, while others are blissfully short. I include notes about what we need to watch for and what we should remember from the Warlords, so keep an eye out! There’s also a link to the Warcraft Logs for each session, so you can refresh your memory or follow along.
I used to do Roundups on a per-night basis. As a result of the two teams, for now I’ll be sort of combining nights / boss fights, as each group is progressing similarly and learning similar lessons along the way.
As a reminder, teams are Geeks and Freaks (Red Team) and Masters of Mayhem (Black Team). I may use names or designations interchangeably as I write.
Opening Night
Champions of the Light
This is a deceptively simple boss on paper. However, Black Team struggled to keep its adds under control. Black team adds ran crazy and often stood either inside the DPS area, or in consecrate. Red Team, perhaps learning from Black’s mistakes, fared better in that regard. However, Red Team struggled to dodge blinding in spite of having better add management. Most of Black Team’s mis-steps came as a result of tank wrangling; most of Red Team’s were a result of DPS not paying attention.
Warlord thoughts: If you’re not using then all you’re doing is making your life difficult. Speak with Tiv or Quetzie to get Weakauras up and running for the first time, including using the new Weakauras Companion to keep your WAs up to date.
Masters of Mayhem: 1 attempt Geeks and Freaks: 2 attempts
Masters of Mayhem pulls ahead by 1 fight
Grong can be a bit hectic if you’re not careful. Ranged need to stack on a marked player and move in a clockwise fashion to dodge the fire-bombs. Adds should be interrupted (call outs, please!) and nuked. Designated players will take the orb to force the boss to Tantrum. We had an unfortunate mishap on Red Team where an orb didn’t get used (it only has a 20 second cooldown) and caused a lot of raid-wide damage. Lesson learned! Black Team found success in having only 1 DPS go for the orb and use it every time, for consistency. However, Black Team lusted at the start of the fight, when they should have lusted at the end like Red Team, as he hits 40% or less HP. In spite of mis-steps, both teams 1-shot Grong.
Masters of Mayhem: 1 attempt Geeks and Freaks: 1 attempt
Masters of Mayhem is still in the lead by 1 fight
Opulence is a really fun fight when it goes well, and a frustrating fight when it doesn’t. Black Team suffered terribly from 2 accidental boss resets (lesson learned: tank minibosses by the door), and from twice having their topaz carrier die to lack of healing buff (hint, hint). Black Team had issues with CCing the adds properly. Rotations of cooldowns and knowing when to use them is crucial. Red Team’s right side struggled with the add turning and movement, causing all but one of the team’s wipes in the process. Red team also allowed one of their Topaz bearers to die to the lack of healing buff. However, Red Team had the most successful-looking of the groups’ kills; they were able to properly rotate their Topaz buffs to coincide with when adds spawned, because they were more successful at keeping Topaz players alive then Black.
Warlord thoughts: We’ll probably get a weakaura that tells you if you have the healing buff or not when the boss casts and share it with our topaz-bearers, so you don’t die quite as easily.
Masters of Mayhem: 7 attempts Geeks and Freaks: 5 attempts
Geeks and Freaks comes up from behind and pulls ahead by 1 fight
Conclave of the Chosen
Conclave is the start of the hectic bosses, and the start of where we get dirty with alliance bodies and racials (eugh). Black Team bore the brunt of the learning curve here: we started going in a different boss-order than we ended on, we learned the hard way about timing the boss deaths, and we picked up strategies for stacking and unstacking along the way. Red Team suffered from people simply not paying attention: too many people keeping Hex in the group (or dispelling Hex early), and especially too many people allowing Kimbul’s stun to hit multiple people in a stack.
Masters of Mayhem: 4 attempts…but not yet down. Geeks and Freaks: 6 attempts…but not yet down.
Both groups benefited from overnight resting and reorganizing between fights. However, Red Team had an unfortunate overlap killing Gonk at the same time the tail-end of the Paku active effect was going. This resulted in a lot of deaths, with a messy (but successful!) kill in the end. Black Team only had 4 deaths on their successful kill, which was a full three minutes shorter than Red Team’s. Whoof.
Warlord thoughts: Yeah, remember that weakaura pack? Go ahead and download it. The timer on Kimbul is very short. You cannot finish your cast – cancel your spell and move move move! Don’t call out every time you are silenced unless you have been silenced for over 10-15 seconds or so. The healers can see you. Take a breath, move to the center, and wait for the rest to catch up.
Masters of Mayhem: 3 attempts Geeks and Freaks: 2 attempts
Masters of Mayhem pulled itself up and teams are tied again
King Rastakhan
The King is a very interesting fight, with multiple phases, multiple rooms, and multiple strategies all involved. Black Team again suffered through experimentation and the learning curve. They realized that tank swaps should happen during the Scorching Detonation, when Rasta is standing still. Red Team had all ranged characters sit on the far side of Rasta as opposed to anywhere Bwonsamdi. Neither team was very successful at stacking both tanks for phase 3 transition. Both teams have issues of spreading fire killing people (seriously, pay attention – don’t move unless you HAVE to, and move early if you do!)
Warlord thoughts: Unless your circle overlaps another person with fire, or the boss, sit still! Much like eye beams on Zek’vos, people without the effect should move away form you, not vice-versa.
Masters of Mayhem: 5 attempts Geeks and Freaks: 4 attempts
Geeks and Freaks squeaks into the lead by 1
Ahh, back to our lovely Horde racials! Mekkatorque is a pretty simple boss, as long as we keep comms clear and bring debuffs behind the rocks we’re supposed to. Black Team had a cleaner kill in less time, at 7 and a half minutes, with majority deaths in the last 40 seconds; Red Team lost more people (averaging 2 per minute) and spent over 10 minutes on the fight. On Red Team, there were two major issues: people not dodging Buster Cannon (it’s a pretty big radius), and people getting hit by Gigavolt Blast. Pop a defensive, stay out of sight for the last 5 seconds (fuck your DPS, nobody cares), and wait for the debuff to drop.
Warlord thoughts: Everyone did a great job keeping comms clear and standing still so they didn’t run over the people who’ve been shrunk down.
While we broke tradition of taking pictures with dead bosses (we’ll do it for Jaina and for heroic, of course!), Quetzie got a lucky drop Friday of the G.M.O.D. and took an appropriate photo on Monday:
Masters of Mayhem: 1 attempt Geeks and Freaks: 1 attempt
Geeks and Freaks is still in the lead by 1 fight
Stonewall Blockade
Blockade is a true Blockade at this point. I don’t have any intel on the left side boat. Right side, we need to spread out more and swap harder to the add. We may want to change DPS around for normal – fewer but stronger on right boat, since we have to work harder with the add spawning and all that. Black Team made it off the boat every time and had a lot of problems with managing adds, pools, and other garbage. Red Team only made it off the boats once or twice (in spite of Black’s practice session on Sunday). We also faced frustrations with the adds teleporting to the middle of the pier in spite of dropping them far in the back. Hopefully Blizzard fixes this.
For anyone unfamiliar with the strategy for clearing sea swell puddles, here’s a handy drawing from Quetzie, by popular request:
Everyone should stack on moon and x to start. After Sea Swell, move right fast. Those with the clearing debuff should follow approximately the path in green (including purple warlock portal) to clear out safe spots for others to stand. As soon as spots are cleared, the raid should “reset” back to moon and x.
Warlord thoughts: Less is more. We’re going to have to bench underperformers here because too many bodies, especially underperforming bodies, will set us back more than on any other fight. Proper strategy on the pier is to have ranged face the adds until the add gets close to the boss. Warlock portals will be indispensable for clearing goop and making it to the back of the room. Using blinks, dashes, etc is especially useful as well. Any slows work on the adds, but stuns, knockbacks, roots, etc do not.
Masters of Mayhem: 4 attempts…so far Geeks and Freaks: 5 attempts…so far
At the end of week 1, both teams are tied up at 26 fights on the path to the first Jaina kill of the season
The Warlords are all very pleased with how both groups did. Neither pulled too far ahead of the other and both progressed pretty much equally. If not for the add TP bug on Blockade, Black Team might have gotten to Jaina; with fewer bodies, Red Team could have said the same. Hopefully a weekly M+ chest and some experience (more info vids are releasing all the time) will help us down this boss and bring us closer to downing Jaina.
If Blockade is still bugged, we could potentially look at the first pair of bosses on Heroic this week. That said, feel free to run them on your own time. It’s not part of our schedule, so don’t worry about the lockout. You won’t get penalized for it.
I’m especially impressed with the problem-solving capability of Black Team and the tenacity of Red Team. Black team banged their heads on boses in many different directions to hone strategy, even when it might cost a kill. Meanwhile, can we rename “Red Team” to “Res Team”? Losing 10 people to Inevitable End (including both tanks), resurrecting both tanks, and still downing Rastakhan for the kill, is pretty wild. And that’s not counting the crazy kill we experienced on Conclave – maybe we should call ourselves “The Long Haul”!
In other news, I’ve updated the Raid Team page to reflect having two groups, and updated the Raid Attendance page for Battle of Dazar’alor. You can now track your Vanguard status and marvel at your wonderful transmogs (or…fix the shitty ones).
Let me know how you liked the format of this Roundup. If you’d like me to separate the groups more, I can do that next week.
Uldir, as much as we’re all sick of it now, was a big milestone for us. Let’s take a look back on it and reflect a little.
Uldir was the first time we’ve hit the ground running on a raid when the expansion started. It’s the most confident we’ve felt and the most prepared we’ve been going into a raid tier. We had ton of pre-planning going on – info sheets, boss videos a plenty, etc.
This was the first time we cleared a tier in one week. It took us 2 nights to down 7 bosses, and we took 2 more nights to kill G’huun, netting 8/8 off the get-go.
The following people earned Vanguard and / or a spot on the Raid Team page during Uldir (I may have missed some):
There’s a few missing (this is based off of my armory kills + a few nights I remember being on my alt or missing; I rarely if ever pugged the raid) but it gives a good general sense 🙂
First Normal kill: Thursday, September 6
First G’huun kill: Monday, September 10
First Heroic kill: Friday, September 21
First full Normal clear: Thursday, September 27
First Heroic G’huun kill: Friday, October 19th
First Mythic Taloc kill: Thursday, October 25th
First Mythic MOTHER kill: Thursday, November 8
Yup, you read that right. For those who missed it…raid teams, plural. Starting in Battle for Dazar’alor, we’ll be running two raid teams. It’s possible that we’ll hit a slog in BfD and combine back into one, but for now, we’d rather run two teams and cross that bridge when we reach it, instead of bench 20+ people.
The Warlords referred to each team by an assigned color during the creation process (Black and Red – Lok’tar ogar!), and the main tanks in each group decided on team names beyond the color designation.
We proudly present…
“Masters of Mayhem”
The teams will be in flux, and we will attempt to balance them. That means that if one team pulls way ahead of the other, we’ll mix them up so they both proceed at a comfortable pace. We’ll do our best to match skills, class needs, etc across the raid groups.
Red team should fill out the sheet determining what days of the week they will be raiding on. We will let Red Team know asap, hopefully by the end of the week, so the group has plenty of time to prepare.
Raid leads do not appear on either list (except Telann as tank one side and Zex (Ryzin) as healer the other). If teams run concurrently, we will split 2 and 2. If they go on opposite days, we will fill roles (dps, heal, etc) as needed.
If you do not appear on either list, it is because of several of the following…
You did not confirm the rules with a Warlord yet
You have not attended raids yet
You attend raids too sporadically to find a niche or guarantee a spot for you yet
You’ve not spoken to a Warlord at length to get a spot in spite of the above – make sure to reach out to us! We will likely have you fill out a line on the Red Team sheet to help us decide which team would be best to fill you in on.
We might make very small adjustments to teams before BfD launch, depending on comp needs and who will be available as backups or not. We will reach out to anyone affected by changes.
Be sure to check out the Raider Homework before start. It has a video list of the first 8 bosses!