Thanks to all the folks who came out as part of the carries on Wednesday (and to the many more who volunteered but we turned away because we simply didn’t have room!)
We ran through and killed N’zoth 4 times in about an hour, and secured AOTC for the following folks:
Jenazeel, Carnage, Criticalysm, Mauxie, Gioconda, Shamfam, Drift, Deathhoss, Vaelith, Celkian, Ioggas, Hodur, Direlord, Catybrie, Bloodtanuit, and Jarica

This is in addition to several AOTC (free entry) discord raffles and a few officer carries this sunday. It’s likely that we will do one more of these, so if you missed out, don’t fret!
Additionally, if you would rather raid on the heroic team and join the weekly full clears, check out the Raiding Rules and Regulations page for how to get involved!