
Weekend Warriors (Heroic):

Saturday 5pm – 8pm (4:30pm – 4:50pm invites)

Saturday 2pm – 5pm (1:30pm – 1:50pm invites)


Thursday & Friday 7pm – 10pm (6:30pm – 6:50pm invites)

Thursday & Friday 4pm – 7pm (3:30pm – 3:50pm invites)


All raiding events will be posted on the in-game calendar as PST / Server time; all events on the websites will be EST.

Intro to Raiding

How To Become a Raider in Less Than 20 Minutes:
Being a Better Player and Notes on Raiding

To everyone old and new: Welcome! This is Tiraffe, Mythic Raid Lead and person-with-all-hidden-artifact-appearances. It’s also Quetzie, Mythic Raid Lead Raid Mom who “is not mad, just disappointed”.

This is a revamp of Tiraffe’s mythic guide from 8.2. Given the new expansion looming on the horizon, we have rewritten and refreshed it to be a general raiding guide. This is for those who are looking to get their feet wet in Shadowlands, or for those who dove into Ny’alotha mid-tier and want to get a better foundation of understanding and best practices.

For those looking for a mythic-specific guide, check out the Mythic Expectations post.

(Links to mentioned websites/addons and sources listed at the bottom)

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Improving your DPS: Revisited

Updated for Dragonflight Prepatch: 11/20/22

Welcome to “Improving your DPS: Revisited”. Some of you may remember the “Improving your DPS” guide that Quetzie wrote during Uldir to help us improve as we moved into harder fights (remember dipping our toe into Mythic for the first time? Ah, nostalgia!). Consider this the successor guide as we move into a brand-new expansion and hope to hit the ground running as a more well organized group. This guide is co-written by Quetzie (Mythic Raid Lead and Person-Who-Thinks-Alts-Are-For-Suckers) and Tiraffe (Mythic Raid Lead and person-that-did-every-Balance-of-Power).

In the first guide, Quetzie spent most of the time focusing on those who might be new to raiding or who were aware of their faulty DPS. In this guide, we revisit some of the tips that can help new players, but we also want to drill home that every level of player can find a place to improve. Even on the mythic team, nobody is perfect. There are always rotation gaps, mechanical failures, and basic preparation that can be improved upon.

Here are the topics this post will discuss:

  1. Streamline & Optimize
  2. Rotation & Opener
  3. Pre-Combat Preparation
  4. Class Resources
  5. Dragonflight Optimization
  6. Asking and Receiving Help

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Quickguide to Simming

Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch – 11/20/2022

Excitement! Tuesday has rolled around and you’ve opened your weekly chest. But suddenly you’re faced with a problem: you don’t know whether your currently equipped gear is better than what you’ve got. Maybe you have a couple of new pieces from raid, and you’re not sure which stats are better. What now?

One of the easiest ways to determine if a piece of gear is an upgrade is to run a simulation of your current gear against your new gear to see which is the better option. Maybe these pants have stronger single-target stats, or that trinket is better for multi-target fights. What’s “better” changes with talent builds, rotations and any number of expansion specific factors. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use the Simulationcraft addon in conjunction with to run simulations on gear, talents, stat distributions and dps. Feel free to click on the pictures to make them larger.

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First AOTC carry-a-thon a success!

Thanks to all the folks who came out as part of the carries on Wednesday (and to the many more who volunteered but we turned away because we simply didn’t have room!)

We ran through and killed N’zoth 4 times in about an hour, and secured AOTC for the following folks:

Jenazeel, Carnage, Criticalysm, Mauxie, Gioconda, Shamfam, Drift, Deathhoss, Vaelith, Celkian, Ioggas, Hodur, Direlord, Catybrie, Bloodtanuit, and Jarica

This is in addition to several AOTC (free entry) discord raffles and a few officer carries this sunday. It’s likely that we will do one more of these, so if you missed out, don’t fret!

Additionally, if you would rather raid on the heroic team and join the weekly full clears, check out the Raiding Rules and Regulations page for how to get involved!

New MoD Officer promotions!!!

Over the past week we made some changes to the officer core for Ministry of Defense. Please help me welcome the following people who will be helping in the following areas:
Tiraffe has joined us as a Warlord (Raid Lead)
Gary (names you can’t pronounce) has joined the MoD officer core and will be helping with crafting and guild bank maintenance
Rip has joined the officer core and is organizer of the Sunday afternoon mythic keystone event
Also, a special thank you to @Vellitha who was also promoted to the Praetor rank.