
Weekend Warriors (Heroic):

Saturday 5pm – 8pm (4:30pm – 4:50pm invites)

Saturday 2pm – 5pm (1:30pm – 1:50pm invites)


Thursday & Friday 7pm – 10pm (6:30pm – 6:50pm invites)

Thursday & Friday 4pm – 7pm (3:30pm – 3:50pm invites)


All raiding events will be posted on the in-game calendar as PST / Server time; all events on the websites will be EST.

Castle Nathria Raid Roundup 01/12/21 - 01/25/21

Since the last raid roundup, the Mythic team has reached 9/10 heroic and 1/10 mythic. The Weekend Warriors are 10/10 normal and 3/10 heroic. Neither team has advanced this quickly into new content before, and both teams are experiencing the pains of fast progression and the stress of improving quickly. We’ll be going over some of the difficult areas that members of each team needs to focus on to get over their respective hurdles – mostly down to better communication and positioning.

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Mythic Raid Self-Evaluations

Hello Mythic Raiders!

As we move into heroic full time, we want to make sure everyone is putting their best foot forward! As such, we’re asking you to send Tiraffe and/or Quetzie a self-evaluation of your performance thus far in the tier. Consider what your strengths are, and where you are struggling. We ask that you tell us 3 things that you can improve on, and how you intend to do so (please be more specific than “die less” or “higher DPS”). These evals don’t have to be long – a few sentences is fine.

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Castle Nathria Raid Roundup 12/8/20 - 12/14/20

Welcome back, and it’s been a while!

Some of you may remember the Weekly Raid Roundups from Uldir and Battle for Dazar’alor back in the day. Once we got heavy into having 2 separate teams, it became a struggle to keep up, so I stopped doing them. It acted as a place to keep notes of changing strategies and “what worked, what didn’t” so everyone was on the same page moving forward.

With the return of the Roundup there will be a few changes.

  • I don’t intend to do these weekly, but during key points in progression, it is a helpful place to keep track of what everyone has been up to. So you are likely to see these for the next few weeks, winding down as progression ends up slowing over time.
  • I’ll sort them by team, so relevant information is easily accessible (though I encourage you to check out the review for the other team as well – you never know what might be useful).
  • Quetzie diagrams are making a return.
  • The Roundups are likely to be much more list-y than previously.

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Castle Nathria Boss Guides

Almost every group handles bosses slightly differently. As we progress through the tier we may change strategies. But we expect everyone to start out on the same page.

In the past we’ve recommended popular content creators like FatBossTV or Hazelnutty for our raiders to get a good understanding of mechanics. That said, we’ve really noticed that two new faces in the game have created resources will be excellent strategy builders and introductions for raiders both new and experienced.

Mythic Trap 

Mythic Trap has mechanic-by-mechanic breakdowns for each boss fight. The dev has filters what’s important to specific roles, and highlights the differences between normal, heroic, and mythic. It uses small, repeating video loops of each mechanic, rather than the whole fight. Clips have been provided by Ready. Check? Pull! and each fight also has a complete kill-vid at the end if that’s your sort of thing instead.

Huntsman Altimor
Hungering Destroyer
Artificer Xy’mox
Sun King’s Salvation
Lady Inerva Darkvein
The Council of Blood
Stone Legion Generals
Sire Denathrius

Side note: Mythic Trap has similar breakdowns for dungeons. Check them out for M+ tips!

Tactical Air Horse / Castle Pineapplia

Tactical Air Horse built a minigame, Castle Pineapplia, that you can play in your browser that teaches the basic mechanics. It gets you playing the game before you play the game, and drills repetition of important mechanics – dodge donuts! Don’t stand between allies! Drop puddles against the walls! Combine with Mythic Trap’s guides and you should have a good memory and understanding of the basics for each fight!

You can download the game from the web

Or, play it directly in the browser

Shadowlands Heroic Raid Planning Meeting Minutes

We had an amazing turnout as always for the Heroic raid planning meeting for Shadowlands & Castle Nathria!

We encourage everyone to review this, even if you attended the meeting. It’s an excellent reference and also includes a few notes we may have forgotten during the meeting

Note: Heroic raid, weekend raid, etc all refers to the same group – basically, “not the mythic team”. You will hear us use these somewhat interchangeably. Even if the group is on normal we may call them the “heroic raid”.


Rule Changes
– Loot
Rule Reminders
– Confirming the Rules
– Arriving on Time
– Discord
– Discord Bots
– Respect
– Benching / Sitting
– Raiding Ahead
Getting Good
Raid Prep
Gearing Event

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Getting the jump on Shadowlands

If you want to min-max, want a deep-dive, or are just completely lost, here are some guides that can help:

More will be added as they are deemed useful or relevant.

Shadowlands Mythic Raid Planning Meeting Minutes

Thank you to everyone who came to the mythic raid planning meeting! We know not all of you could make it, and some of you want notes to review, so this is a compiled list of topics covered – and one not! – from the meeting.

We highly encourage everyone to review this sheet, even if you already attended the meeting. For one thing, there’s a note of something we forgot to mention (about performance reviews), and for another, it’s an easy reference for what was a moderately compacted meeting.


Time Adjustment
Finalizing Mains
Rule Updates
Raid Mats
Shadowlands (no spoilers)
Oops, we forgot
Shadowlands (spoilers)

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