Updated for The War Within pre-patch – 02/25/2025.
You know who it is: Tiraffe and Quetzie, back at it with another raid guide, this time for those looking to join the Mythic team.
Raid Rules
This guide is meant to be an overview of what it’s like to step into Mythic raiding for the first time, or those who are moving from PUG raids into organized mythic raids for the first time.
If you are interested in seeing concrete rules for the raid team, such as loot breakdown, the trial process, or performance expectations, please read the raiding rules and regulations page
So What Does It Mean to be a Mythic Raider/ do Mythic Raiding / do Mythic Progression?
In a general sense, a Mythic raider does all of the things that heroic raiders do, but better. We strive to be the best of the best! We are the best prepared, we are the best communicators, we are the best at mechanics, we are the best reactors, we are the best at our classes, we are the most versatile within our class or role, and – perhaps most importantly – we are the most selfless. We are the most willing to compromise our personal goals to get the job done for the rest of our team and our friends. These aren’t exactly difficult things individually, but taken together it can be difficult and exhausting, especially if you aren’t used to this kind of repeated focus – and failure.
What we expect of our Mythic Raiders
If it isn’t obvious by now, Mythic Raiders are held to a higher standard than their heroic counterparts.
In short, someone who is planning on doing Mythic raiding should:
- Be able to stay cool, calm and collected
- Handle multiple mechanics at the same time
- Be able simultaneously improve and play their class/spec at a high level
- Have the capacity to withstand being stuck on a single boss for more than a week
Mythic raiders are expected to do the following as they get into Mythic. It’s a bit of a laundry list.
- Practice your rotation for AOE and single target. If you aren’t using keybinds, try to pick it up in the process while practicing. Learning keybinds is always worth the long-term investment.
- Be aware of fight styles between single target, cleave, aoe and multidotting. Some bosses are really single target fights disguised as aoe fights in terms where damage is prioritized.
- In addition, most bosses on mythic end up boiling down to single target at the end in order to finish off the boss. Make sure your single target doesn’t fall too far behind if you spec into aoe.
- If you’re new, try to pick up on the group’s dynamic.
- It can be intimidating to join a pre-established group like ours that have been running for over 4 years now. Don’t worry!
- Joining M+ runs or heroic clears is an excellent, lower-stress way to get involved and pick up on how the group acts.
- We tend to be goofballs. Who else argues about cereal for 3 hours of Mythic Ra-Den progression?
- For healers, the onus is on you to know where to have your healing cds for that boss.
- Check the Viserio spreadsheet to make sure, especially if you’re new or filling in for another healer.
- MoD also has a healer chat to organize healing cds
- Anyone in the group should be ready to fill in for assigned mechanics. Those filling in should follow the lead of the folks that have been doing the mechanic.
- Check the threads or MRT note, again
- Most fights will have some sort of raidplan to help organize general positioning
- If possible, practice the mechanic outside of progression (maybe heroic clears or PUGs) to be ready to step in
- Mythic raiders in MoD are required to have a working microphone
- We recommend push-to-talk, but it is not required. We may mute you if there is too much background noise.
- Your performance as a person matters just as much as your performance as a player.
- Don’t be an asshole.
- Please don’t whisper the raid leads about a person’s performance. We do check logs between pulls.
- Everyone agreed to the same rules, and everyone is here to get the bosses down and have a good time.
- We take feedback from current raiders on how well trials are fitting in with the group. Acting up because a raidlead isn’t present doesn’t mean that behavior will fly.
- Be familiar with how to use different raid performance tools to improve your play.
- If wowanalyzer isn’t available for your spec, that does not mean you should ignore all advice it tells you (high downtime, overcapped resources, etc are still available for all specs). The timeline is especially useful.
- Keep the group’s comp in mind since some parses are cheesed – overall high parse is not always an indicator of what is best for progression.
- Healers should try to find similar healing comps
- DPS should look for similar fight lengths
- As a courtesy, if you do decide step away from Mythic raiding with MoD, please let the group know in the raiding attendance channel after communicating with the raidleads
- You don’t have to go deep into detail, but this is a courtesy so we don’t have multiple raiders asking us during raid nights and bringing down morale.
Attitude and Mentality:
It is important to reiterate that, especially for Mythic, raid teams are a team. We need to be a cohesive unit. It is just as important for every member of that team to be willing to listen, not just to the Raid Leads, but to each other when it comes to concerns and suggestions. It’s quite possible for different roles to have a very different perspective of the fight! Be willing to research new tactics and why they work before grabbing torches or ignoring what can very well be a reasonable discussion thread.
On that note, when suggesting ideas, be clear and specific about what you want to happen so that others can get a better idea of what you want to accomplish. Don’t tunnel on the end-goal either; keep the steps needed to reach that goal and the effects each step will have in mind. Avoid being passive-aggressive, and think about how the rest of the group will take the information before you say it. In the middle of a raid, the group will likely defer to the pins, this page, and the logs. Leave more complex suggestions for breaks, or between raid nights.
Failure is Inevitable, Success is Earned
We would be doing you a disservice if we didn’t stress this. Truth is, failure is a given in Mythic raiding. Raiding is an exercise in failing forward – for every failure, we learn from it, make a little more progress, fail again, and repeat. We are going to fail more often than we succeed. Bosses may be pulled hundreds of times before we kill them, and we may only kill them a half a dozen times. The most notable is Mythic Tindral taking 498 pulls across 7 weeks.
If you can’t handle the mental load of failing for 6 hours a week for weeks on end, Mythic raiding is likely not for you. There are a few quotes about failure – and success – that are worth noting here.
“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that do not work.”
“A man may fall many times, but he won’t be a failure until he says that someone pushed him.”
“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”
“We rise, fall, and rise again!”
The gratification of success, of course, is worth all the failure involved – at least for a Mythic raider it is. Gotta love the dopamine rush of finally getting a kill after weeks of progression.
Getting Your Head in the Game
Pre-Game Preparations
These are things you should do before you even think about logging in for the evening.
- Get some sleep
- Eat food, drink water, take your meds
- Take a shower
- Get other stuff (homework, taxes, etc.) out of the way
- Check if your car needs an oil change
- Reapply thermal paste to your heat sinks
These steps might seem a bit out of place on a guide for WoW, but they’re some of the most important things you can do to prepare for a Mythic raid night.
Why? Mythic is often a high stress environment. You want to avoid as much external stress as possible, as it can often translate to being a source of internal stress for both you and others in the raid. Make sure to cut down any background noise as to not distract other raiders when your mic is open.
In all seriousness, doing the above is just good in general for well-being and it helps relieve some tension. If you’re splitting focus on external factors that are bothering you, you’re going to be too distracted to perform to your best ability. You’re also a lot less likely to have a good time.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have to leave the raid because you are facing a mental health dilemma, please do so. This is just a game, but it is a very stressful one at this level. If you can let us know a pull or two ahead of time so we can find a sub, that’s great – but we understand if you simply have to leave. Do what is best for you. We will manage it as best we can.
Getting Ready For Raid
These are things you should do after logging in and before accepting a summons:
- Be ready for a summons when the group starts forming
- No Worldquests, no Delves, no keys, etc. when grouping starts. Being in a non-raid activity (irl stuff notwithstanding) is not an excuse for being late to raid.
- We want trash done and bosses being pulled on time, not 10 minutes after.
- Ensure you have all gems/enchants on your gear
- Apply any extra enchants (such as the engineering absorb shield that can be put on waist pieces, or the tailoring enchant for cloaks that reduces threat)
- Double-check which boss / bosses the group is planning to head into (rosters are posted in the raiding announcements channel on discord the night before raid)
- Select the right talents, based on the fight
- With the release of TWW, a character can have up to a whopping 40 talent loadouts saved across all of their specializations
- Make sure you have:
- Personal health potions and battle potions
- Personal Phials (if none are provided)
- Personal stat food (if no feasts are provided)
- Augment Runes
- Vantus Runes (For progression bosses; these are usually provided by the raid leads when deemed necessary, characters off-server will need to supply their own)
- Gateway Control Shard
Stuff to work on during the week
- Sim your gear/talents/etc for the highest possible output
- If you don’t have raidbots premium, find someone who does, there’s usually one person who has it in the guild
- This includes utilizing the droptimizer. You may find that a trinket or stat-perfect piece from a certain M+ dungeon could be worth your time farming during the week.
- Know your spec’s preferred stat distribution and gear choices
- Check Warcraftlogs and Archon for what the top people in your class are equipping. If it differs from sims, consider why the top players may be doing something different.
- Know your spec’s rotation based on the style of the fight and your available gear/talents/traits
- Practice the rotation until you can do it with your eyes closed
- Select a good tmog. Druids and Evokers too. (If you look good, you feel good. The better you feel, the better you play)
- For the following specs/classes, make sure your higher item level weapon is in the main-hand slot: Rogues, Fury Warrior, Enh Shaman, Frost DK, BM/WW Monk, and Demon Hunter.
- This will cause you to do more damage. The only time this changes is if you have a weapon that can proc an effect from on-hit, which means it goes in the main-hand slot instead, provided that it does more damage despite the loss in item level. This is where you’ll need to sim which piece to put in which slot.
General Raiding Info, Reiterated
- Do your research.
- Preparation and practice is very important for Mythic raiding. This cannot be stressed enough. You cannot show up unprepared and expect to perform well.
- Read about the fights (check the threads for boss-specific info)
- Watch videos about the fights
- Ask the raid leads, or other mythic raiders questions (in the #mythic-progression channel) about the fights.
- Practice leads to routine; the more you make your rotation a routine, the less you have to worry about your rotation in the middle of mechanics.
- Preparation and practice is very important for Mythic raiding. This cannot be stressed enough. You cannot show up unprepared and expect to perform well.
- Show up, early.
- Be honest. Especially with yourself.
- Pay attention to mechanics while avoiding tunnel vision.
- Be able to read the room.
- Be willing to make changes in order to benefit the raid group.
- Be willing to admit when you mess up.
- It’s ok to make mistakes, so long as you make an effort to correct it.
- Be willing to provide suggestions.
- Be willing to listen to suggestions.
- Don’t take it personally if you get benched.
- Don’t ask for a personal healer.
- Leave your ego at the door.
- When your resolve is tested, don’t falter.
- Have a combination of the weak aura pack for the raid, MRT and either DBM or BigWigs.
- Make sure you’re still having fun at the end of the day.
Preparation is only half the battle
So you’ve done all of the above. You’ve done your research, gotten the gear, applied any available buffs and enchants, and you have a really cool tmog. But your DPS is low for your item level and you’re hitting every single avoidable mechanic as you keyboard turn your way in the direction of the bench seat.
Getting Good:
If you’re having repeated mechanical failure and missing DPS checks, something (or multiple somethings) is wrong. Just because you’ve managed to nail all of the prep, doesn’t mean you get a free pass on your performance. On the contrary – having good gear and a bunch of buffs does not automatically make someone a good player, nor does ilvl guarantee a spot on the mythic team. “Will getting another socket make you a better player?” Probably not by itself. It just means that both the minimum dps and maximum dps you can pull off has increased, but that doesn’t mean you will pull it off. Good gear won’t play your class for you.
Remember to optimize your DPS performance.
Avoiding Complacency
If you’ve made it to the Mythic team, feel free to cheer in celebration and pat yourself on the back. Just be careful – even though you’ve made the team, that doesn’t mean you should relax and take your spot for granted. You should be constantly striving for reasonable perfection.
If someone else in the group manages to significantly beat your damage despite having the same experience or gear, you should be doing everything in your power to improve. This is more imperative if they are running the same spec or build as you. Don’t look at these people as competition: we’re all on the same side. Perhaps you can work with them to figure out where you’re going wrong!
It’s also important to note that playing a top tier class does not guarantee your spot on the team, though obviously high damage can help. That said, getting carried by your spec should not be your goal as a mythic raider, either. If you’re playing something top tier, you should be on top of the meters and matching others of the same spec. If you are parsing poorly, it means that all it will take is one round of nerfs to put your spot on the team in jeopardy. Don’t get complacent with thinking that you can coast along for the rest of the tier, or expansion, without further effort on your part.

Furthermore, gear should never be blamed for something rotation or mechanics can fix. If gear is the first thing you jump to as to why you’re underperforming, you’ve probably grown complacent.
If you are noticing that others are surpassing your output, or beating your parses, reasons why should be checked in the following order (with examples):
- Rotation
- “They have 100% uptime on their DoTs and I don’t.”
- “I’m clicking my rotation instead of using keybinds.”
- “I’m not using or am wasting my procs”
- “I’m not using my cooldown resets correctly, wasting damage.”
- Mechanics
- “I’m going farther than I need to in order to dodge mechanics, which is causing my uptime for my rotation to suffer.”
- “I didn’t use defensives/healthstones that were available to me before I died.”
- Gear
- “I’m going for double on-use, but I don’t actually have the right trinkets for it.”
- “I don’t have the right stats I need for the build I want.”
Raiders that become complacent and don’t seek to constantly improve their dps to meet the increasing damage checks on Mythic are liable to being benched, swapped out, or replaced. There are plenty of folks that are itching to prove their mettle in Mythic. We expect those on the mythic team to be self-sufficient with improving their play, and they should not be surprised when logs, wowanalzyer, etc. are used to back-up rostering decisions. As mentioned in the Intro to Raiding guide and the Improving Your DPS: Revisited guide, Quetzie and Tiraffe will most likely be your best options outside of raid if you’re unfamiliar with analyzing your own performance. We as raid leads may also do individual write-ups throughout the tier, typically as the group first transitions into mythic and when the group hits their 1st and 2nd Wall in mythic. More information about what a “Wall” is can be found in the Farm Bosses vs. Progression Bosses vs. Walls section.
Getting Benched
Getting benched is as inevitable as death in a mythic raid. Some players may be benched more often than others. Every one of the raid leads were sat at multiple points during Amirdrassil.
Mythic raid spots are not guaranteed; only 20 people can be on a boss at a time. That said, a healthy mythic roster usually has around 25 people on it. That means 5 people won’t be involved on a boss fight at a given time, but should be available and ready in case of absences or for swapping around raiders during breaks.
If you cannot handle being benched for a boss, a night, or several of both, consider the following:
- Don’t sign up for mythic raiding
If that comes off as offputting…sorry, not sorry. Unfortunately, there’s just not a better way to put it.
- People are usually swapped around on bosses for mechanics and loot, especially on reclears.
- If you get swapped out on a boss, don’t take it personally. Maybe your class wasn’t needed for gear passing, maybe your class isn’t effective at certain mechanics (invulnerability soaking, speed, ranged VS melee, etc)
- Maybe you do need to improve your performance
Before you contact a raid lead about being benched, consider investigating the logs. We log every fight, every night. Just because you aren’t bottom DPS, doesn’t mean there’s not another metric we are considering.
Reasons we may bench someone besides low DPS:
- Early deaths / low survivability
- Inability or lack of effort to communicate
- Low uses of defensive abilities or healthstones
- Repeated mechanical error
- Lack of improvement from week to week on any or all metrics
- If a late-mythic boss is close to death, the roster may stay unchanged in order to keep performance consistent to close out the kill
If you’re concerned about being benched for one reason or another, especially if the logs don’t show you the reason, contact a warlord directly – after raid night is over. Don’t get mad pre- or mid-raid, because that is one of the fastest ways to wind up sitting on the bench for an even longer period.
When you get benched, take a deep breath, and take an introspective approach. Review the above bulleted lists and consider why you may not have been included. If you aren’t sure why you’ve been benched, use that introspection. “Was I benched from X fight because I had lower DPS than we needed?” or “I know I failed a few mechanics on this fight last week – is that why I wasn’t included this week?”. These questions show us that you’re aware of your faults, that you’re not looking to place blame on anyone else, and that you’ve left your ego at the door.
There are many factors why a person with lower DPS than you may not be benched. Perhaps they executed every mechanic perfectly. Maybe they are even executing unique mechanics that you do not have to do (fire hose on Larodar, orb callouts on Smolderon, seeds on Tindral, duckhandling on Council of Dreams etc). Maybe they are more communicative, or faster to respond to callouts. No one is perfect. Perhaps their faults were less likely to interfere with killing this boss than your own. Think about how best to improve and we will strategize how to get you back on bosses sooner rather than later.
Let’s take a moment and do the usual: if you’ve read this far into the guide, and are currently on the mythic team (hopefuls need not do this yet), shoot Quetzie or Tiraffe the message “hotdog glowstick”. You know why. Those that aren’t on the mythic team are still free to message the aforementioned to let us know your interest, but be aware confirming that you’ve read this post does not guarantee a spot on the mythic team by itself.
To segue into strategy, Mythic bosses have one or more additional mechanics compared to heroic to spice things up. Changes can include doubling (or adding new) adds, doubling or overlapping of heroic mechanics, and entirely brand new mechanics, all of which can combine in terrifying and initially incomprehensible new ways. Some of the final bosses from prior expansions even had entirely new, secret phases. Understanding how these new mechanics mesh with the Normal and Heroic mechanics is paramount to success in Mythic.
As is tradition, Mythic bosses in Dragonflight have more changes going from Heroic to Mythic, so while that won’t necessarily make them as bad Mistress Sassz’ine from Tomb from Legion, it will be a noticeable increase in difficulty compared to prior expansions where the group’s ability to cooperate and coordinate will be tested. Informative Mythic Mistress Sassz’ine video is located to below for reference (Video may take a while to load).
Staying Alive
Given the increase in difficulty when it comes to Mythic, staying alive is pretty important. As previously mentioned, dying early or requiring an excess amount of healing can be particularly harmful to a group’s progress. “Dead DPS do no DPS” after all.
As such, mythic fights often require different defensive or mobility talents in order to survive the mechanics. Mythic Tindral and Mythic Ovinax are prime examples where being able to removes slows/snares either as a baseline ability or through a talent heavily reduced the impact of one of the mythic mechanics. Periodically roots would be applied to all members, and certain classes would need additional assistance to get out if it overlapped with other mechanics. Other fights, such as Mythic Vexiona, Mythic Ra-den, Mythic Xy’mox, etc. required or heavily encouraged having multiple specs with immunities either baseline or as talents.
If you’re not sure what defensive talents to use, you should doublecheck Warcraft Logs and see what the top defensive talents for your spec are. Sometimes these are easy to overlook when focusing on more DPS-oriented talent nodes. You can also look in class Discords to see if there are any recommended tips for surviving an encounter.
Voice Comms and Callouts:
Mythic raiders should expect to use microphones. There are very, very few times where not having a microphone is not a problem, especially in progression. Even if you are normally muted, we ask that you have one available in case of an emergency callout that needs to be made (consider progression on Mythic Mekkatorque without a microphone. Yuck.)
That said, Mythic raid can be noisy and full of voices on Discord. A good mythic raider can filter voices and noise that are important and unimportant on the fly. An excellent mythic raider can make this easier for other people.
As a DPS, Quetzie finds herself tuning out our tanks 95% of the time – them talking to one another isn’t important to her. They are discussing when to taunt swap or asking for externals from the healers. As a druid, the most she could do is put a regrowth on a tank that is struggling, but taunting off or healing are not her forte (other classes may be able to grab a taunt to help out, though!). Likewise, she can usually ignore the healer discussion as well, unless it involves general group positioning or requests for innervate (other DPS can ignore any talks about innervating). The better you can get at filtering useless information, the better off you are.
As a general rule of thumb, call out your name, need, and location if you need something. Mythic Il’gynoth is an excellent example of a fight that requires these specific callouts. The more specific a callout in the shortest amount of time, the better a situation can be handled. Furthermore, raid teams will likely have 1-2 back-ups to cover mechanics in case of death. A good mythic raider can drill-down into extremes in a short amount of time based on small but effective callouts to ensure mechanics are resolved in a timely manner.
Consider the following:
“Quetzie needs add help near the door”
- Near the door.
- DPS on the opposite side of the room can safely ignore further communication on the issue.
- This means filtering out further noise from healers discussing the situation, DPS rearranging their circles to get close enough to help, etc.
- DPS on the opposite side of the room can safely ignore further communication on the issue.
- Quetzie is the one who needs help
- Quetzie is a ranged DPS
- Don’t look for her on top of the boss
- Quetzie plays a boomkin
- She is likely farthest back from the action compared to any other class
- Tanks can safely ignore this. Their priority is the boss, and a Boomkin is likely to be too far away to provide assistance.
- She is likely farthest back from the action compared to any other class
- Quetzie is a ranged DPS
- She has an add chasing her
- DPS need to focus the add
- Quetzie is a boomkin
- She lacks a lot of hard CC and may have already used everything available to her.
- DPS should prioritize CC instead of DPS
- She lacks a lot of hard CC and may have already used everything available to her.
- Quetzie is a boomkin
- Healers may need to spot her if she has stacks building
- Quetzie is a boomkin
- Because she is far away (See: 2-1-2-1), healers may have to chase her a bit to get in range to keep her alive.
- Healers should call out if she is outranging you
- She has a lot of self-heals in her kit, but lacks other defensives.
- If a healer calls that she is outranging (See: 3-2-1-1-1), she may respond that she is fine.
- You can return your focus to the rest of the group.
- If a healer calls that she is outranging (See: 3-2-1-1-1), she may respond that she is fine.
- Because she is far away (See: 2-1-2-1), healers may have to chase her a bit to get in range to keep her alive.
- Quetzie is a boomkin
- DPS need to focus the add
That is a lot to filter and drill-down (and is probably not even comprehensive!), and this happens almost instantaneously in the mind of a Mythic raider. The more you practice active listening, the better you will be at this sort of filtering and drill-down. Likewise, the more you will come to realize how very specific callouts can be incredibly effective in a Mythic raiding environment.
Individual Callouts, General Callouts and Shotcalling:
In addition to calls from individual raiders, the raid leads will usually do one of three specific callouts during boss fights or in-between pulls to address mechanics. These are known as individual callouts, general callouts and shotcalling.
Individual Callouts
Individual callouts may happen on the fly in a fight, or between pulls. It’s important to note that being individually called out in a raid does not automatically mean that the raid leads are being rude, or that the person in question is in trouble. Chances are something is being majorly goobered that is preventing success. If you can’t handle being called out, consider the first bullet under the “Getting Benched” section. Mythic bosses usually require a precise mechanic rotation, often found in the threads on Discord; someone moving at the wrong time, or soaking out of order, will lead to one or more guaranteed deaths (consider what happens on Tindral when someone dispels out of order, or Forgotten Experiments if someone stands with a slash in the wrong location).
Being individually called out lets you know specifically the mechanic that you need to fix and, generally, how to fix it. It is expected of mythic raiders to attempt to know how the mechanic works even if they’re not usually the ones assigned to handle it. However, if you can’t seem to improve, don’t be surprised if you get sat down to a bench for the boss until the group has a better handle on the situation.
An example from Castle Nathria was the Mythic Darkvein fight. If a person called out “Quetzie, move left!” during Shared Suffering (beams), it means that she has been taking too long to figure out where she needs to go to finish the mechanic quickly, causing others to take excess damage. Having someone tell her exactly how and where to move will make the mechanic finish faster. It’s possible that she already knew and was waiting for an opportunity, but that’s why using your microphone is effective!
General Callouts
General callouts are made between pulls, and help the raid as a whole know if there’s a specific mechanic multiple members are struggling with. While there may have been a large group of people that were making the mistake previously, that doesn’t mean individuals were “getting away with it” beforehand. Raid leaders and raiders alike can see who dies to what or who is not listening, whether they notice during the fight or after by examining logs. The mythic team has multiple raiders running logs to ensure information is accurate. We may not call out a mechanical issue the first time we see it happening, because we want to give people a chance to learn from their own mistakes. If we see repeated performances from one or more individuals, that is when we tend to call out mechanical failures. An example of a general callout might be on Smolderon: “Several raiders missed soaking orbs that pull.”
Avoid whispering the raid leads about any issues you see, especially between pulls. Any issue that comes up, the raid leads probably know about it already, but it’s a good idea to ask during break to confirm in case you have any suggestions. When general callouts are made, it’s just as important for folks to avoid over-correcting, especially if others were already doing the mechanics correctly.
Shotcalling is a bit different than the other two, and is done mid-fight. Raid leads will often call out specific mechanics or specific target to focus. Many of these shot calls are often “all or nothing” calls, where anyone out of position is likely to die or wipe the raid, even if the call is for a wipe. For example, a call to stop or slow dps is done to ensure the target dies at the right time, but it requires everyone to be on board to be effective.
For all types of callouts, the goal is to make sure mechanics are done correctly to prevent death and other issues that cause a wipe. It’s important to stay calm and focused on understanding what’s going on and how to rectify it.
Mythic Lockouts
Mythic raid lockouts also work a bit differently compared to the Normal/Heroic raid lockouts. When a group kills a boss on Mythic, everyone in that group is locked to that specific instance. They cannot enter another Mythic instance that their character isn’t part of and can only enter the instance if they or the first person inside the instance shares that same instance lockout. This means that you can’t go pug mythic bosses and then bring that same character to our progression unless the group uses your specific lockout for the bosses that have yet to be killed on that lockout. This also means that you can’t kill the same mythic boss on the same character more than once per week on mythic.
Mythic lockouts will also advance whenever a boss is killed, instead of being a personal lockout in normal/heroic. For example, if you partake in killing the 1st boss, and then have to step out on the 2nd boss, you will not be able to go back and kill the 2nd boss on your own. You will still be able to partake in the 3rd boss, and missing a boss won’t lock you out from any remaining bosses in the instance.
Mythic raids are the most likely difficulty to have a lockout extended. For those unfamiliar with extending raid lockouts, this allows the group to start on the last boss they left off on from last week, at the cost of being unable to reclear any prior bosses for that lockout for the current week. The penultimate bosses of each raid will be the usual spot for the group to extend their lockout, if they haven’t already, since it may be difficult to reclear as some folks first join on the later bosses. Shorter raids may see the lockout extended sooner if everyone already has all the loot they need from earlier bosses.
Mythic Loot
Only care about this section once the boss is dead. While gear available from Mythic raiding is often the highest baseline item level, Dragonflight gear that drops from raid bosses will now gradually increase in ilvl over the course of the raid, rather than being the same static ilvl for (almost) every boss. Anything that drops will probably be an item level upgrade unless you’ve been lucky from your Great Vault or you’ve been getting Gladiator. Any additional socket(s) will mean you probably won’t be replacing it anytime soon.
Everyone on the mythic raid team MUST have RCLC installed.
Everyone should have a “BiS loot sheet” on Readycheck.io up and ready before raid night starts.
For mythic, the default loot rules are different from the heroic team or normal raid group.
For specific loot rules, please check the Raiding Rules and Regulations
If you’re low on gear, patching up holes in your gearset from the Great Vault, running M+ or farming Heroic raids should be your main path to gearing up for mythic. If your weekly vault isn’t giving you an option for acceptable gear (good stat upgrades, acceptable sidegrades, etc) going for the currency / sockets for your BiS gear is totally reasonable. We recommend socketing only Myth track items.
Farm Bosses vs. Progression Bosses vs. Walls:
Mythic bosses are often very scripted fights, so expect a high initial learning curve that plateaus later on. Most bosses don’t die within a night or two of the group getting there, but might be very easy on farm as the fights will shift from mechanics checks into dps checks. Later mythic bosses may take multiple weeks of work to get the first kill. However, just because you kill a boss once on Mythic does not mean that you will one-shot it in the future. Note: regardless of prior kills, having multiple inexperienced members present will make it more difficult to progress on, or reclear, a particular boss.
All bosses fall under one of three categories:
- Every boss is initially considered a progression boss.
- Bosses with particularly difficult progression (dps or mechanics) are considered walls and require a significantly higher throughput and execution than other bosses.
- Notable examples of walls include:
- M Xanesh from Ny’alotha (extremely heavy initial learning curve, heavy dps check, interrupt order req., exact positioning/character direction aiming, target switching)
- M Xy’mox from Nathria and Sepulcher (positioning check, timing check, utility/mobility check, communication check, composition check)
- M Desaugne, Ky’veza (lag check, heavy positioning and timing check, mobility check, composition check, friendly fire, multiple one-shot mechanics, range issues)
- M Rashok (Extremely high damage output, precise tank positioning, mechanics blocked by boss’s body)
- M Echo (Weakaura / MRT note shenanigans; precise positioning to the pixel, extremely high damage output)
- M Tindral, Ovinax, Silken Court (see: above)
- Walls often continue to be troublesome and groups can get stuck on them despite having multiple kills
- Notable examples of walls include:
- Bosses that become easy to reclear may be considered farm bosses
- A boss is considered to be ‘on farm’ after a handful one or two-shots on a boss.
- Some bosses die on the first night the group gets to them and are generally on farm for the rest of the tier.
- Some bosses may have a harder initial learning curve, but relatively scripted or straightforward mechanics that become very difficult to mess up once practiced.
- There’s a section between farm and progression bosses where a certain % of the raid can’t be swapped out on that boss due to the sheer amount of time spent on the learning curve.
- Mythic Council of Dreams is a good example of this, where it might be farm if everyone that was present during progression is there for the reclear, but swapping out Duckmasters would be incredibly difficult.
- Mythic Echo was an example where having to fill in holes as people quit stalled progression, as we would have different push %s week to week, or different healers covering different cooldowns.
Please do not ask to bring alts to mythic raids, even reclears. If we allow one alt, we would fairly have to allow all, and that’s going to present reclear issues. There are also very likely folks who would still want gear for their mains due to bad luck of the draw.
Practicing mechanics in Heroic and Normal can be worthwhile, provided that the mechanics function the same across different difficulties. Getting used to dodging waves on Rashok can be useful, though there are significantly more on mythic. Practicing lining yourself up on Mythic Dathea for the knockback can be quite useful on Heroic, however.
And Now For The Mandatory Section About Class / Spec choice too (Mythic version)
Choices Matter
Now keep in mind, your class / spec choice will matter more in mythic than it will in normal or heroic. While in theory it shouldn’t really matter what class and spec you use for mythic raiding, there will likely be classes and specs that will clearly outclass other choices and others that are so far behind that they aren’t worth considering. You can play what you want for one reason or another, but be aware that it can and will affect performance. For example, make sure to take time to learn off-specs (if possible) in the chance that the boss’ fight style heavily rewards those different playstyles. Stay up-to-date on what’s best for your class and/or spec if you’re thinking about mythic.
On a side note, we don’t generally police people’s racial choices. However, priests in particular should be choosing high-mobility classes; there’s a reason that it’s highly recommended to run dracthyr/goblin if you’re playing a priest in mythic raid. Other fights may have times where a void elf teleport, goblin jump or gnome racial may come especially handy for any class.
Switching Around
The raid leads usually leave the choice of what specs members of the mythic team bring up to the members themselves. That said, having the versatility to play at a mythic level for multiple classes / specs is highly valued, such as when we need more ranged, cover specific raid buffs or to fill in for possible absences is always helpful.
With Hero Talents, we will generally defer to player preference on what hero tree to play. However, just like any other talent or spec choice, picking an underperforming hero talent could lead to you being benched for a better performing player, regardless of spec or class.
We probably won’t ask folks to switch classes or specializations unless several conditions are met. We do encourage folks to at least consider practicing an alternate spec in case tuning destroys your favored spec, however.
We generally only approach folks about spec switching if the following is true:
- Individual output based mostly on talent choices
- Everyone is already playing their heart out (i.e. doing rotation near perfectly)
- The group still isn’t making the dps check
- Switching would provide a drastic increase in dps or hps
- Drastic would something like a 15% dps increase, not a 5% dps increase
- Is the person in question is fine switching?
- The person is fine with switching, crisis averted. They’re a team player.
- The person is not fine with switching.
- There’s always the weekend team.
- You can’t have your cake and eat it too
- Consider not signing up for Mythic raiding.
The raidleads won’t take responsibility for people’s class/spec choices, so long as you do well as your chosen class/spec. If a specific spec was needed at the time, then it was needed at the time. Similarly, it’s generally not a good idea to switch to an underperforming class/spec unless the individual in question is going to put in the time to outperform their previous choices. We advise that those switching classes or specs that are going to be lower throughput should be aware that their place on the progression team may change if they’re already struggling with damage and/or mechanics.
Most importantly:
Stay motivated:
A short rundown of this guide can be found here.
(Just read the guide lmao)