Here are the top three place finishers as determined by our esteemed judging panel (Josh/Puriel, Briris, and Gary)! Thank you everyone who entered this year!
Member Content
Pictures, Screenshots, and more submitted by members for everybody to enjoy!
The current Mythic Keystone Season isn’t over yet, however, our group picture has been taken and I do have some numbers to share for Season 2!
We currently have 15 people in the guild with a raider io score of 3000 or higher!
84 guild members have passed the 2500 io benchmark!
And a whopping 162 people in the guild have obtained their mythic keystone push reward, the Inferno Armoredon mount, by scoring 2000 io or higher!
Caveat: The above numbers probably includes some alts, especially for the 2000 io bracket.