With the announcement of 9.2 we will be holding Sepulcher of the First Ones raid interest meetings for both raid groups this week.

Mythic Raider: Thursday 2/17 @ 7:00p EST
Peepo’s Pals Heroic Team: Saturday 2/19 @ 5:00p EST

If you intend to raid heroic or mythic for 9.2, attendance is mandatory for these meetings which will be held in the Discord voice channels.

Hello Mythic Raiders!

Once again, the raid leads are asking you to be critical of your performance. Those who were around in Nathria remember this; for those who are new, don’t sweat.

We’re asking you to send Tiraffe and/or Quetzie a self-evaluation of your performance thus far in the tier. Consider what your strengths are, and where you are struggling. We ask that you tell us 3 things that you can improve on, and how you intend to do so (please be more specific than “die less” or “higher DPS”). These evals don’t have to be long – a few sentences is fine.

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