Hello Mythic Raiders!

Once again, the raid leads are asking you to be critical of your performance. Those who were around in Nathria remember this; for those who are new, don’t sweat.

We’re asking you to send Tiraffe and/or Quetzie a self-evaluation of your performance thus far in the tier. Consider what your strengths are, and where you are struggling. We ask that you tell us 3 things that you can improve on, and how you intend to do so (please be more specific than “die less” or “higher DPS”). These evals don’t have to be long – a few sentences is fine.

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Short sweet, and to the point.

Sanctum of Domination:

Hazelnutty Sanctum of Domination Raid Boss Guides
Mythic Trap Sanctum of Domination Raid Boss Guides (starting at the Tarragrue)
Sanctum of Pineapples mechanic minigame
Wowhead Sanctum of Domination Guides – Wowhead

Tazavesh Megadungeon:

Hazelnutty Tazavesh Guide
Mythic Trap Tazavesh Guide
Wowhead Tazavesh Guide

Mythic+ Guides:

Tormented Affix Preview
Class Specialization Mythic+ Guides – check your spec page for tips on what anima powers to take with the new affix




  • Max renown
  • 4 mythic dungeons
    • Week of 6/29 – 7/5
      • As high as you can go, ideally 18 timed or 19 untimed
    • Week of 7/6 – 7/12
      • As high as you can go
      • To max your GV for the week:
        • One 15+
        • Three 10s
    • In the future: 4 dungeons
      • 8: 236 (heroic GV)
      • 12: 246 (last 2 heroic GV)
      • 15: 252 (mythic GV)
      • Spam highest comfortable for EoD loot (see chart below)
  • Korthia weekly
  • Covenant Assaults / Maw Invasions
    • Once Tuesday – Friday
    • Once from Friday – Monday
  • Tormentors of Torghast
    • Soul cinders
    • Check if you’ve completed it for the week:
      • /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63854))
  • Torghast


Korthia Dailies

  • All 3
    • Korthite Crystals
    • Catalogued Research

Sweaty Grindy Optional


Korthia Rares & Treasures

Alt Korthia Dailies

  • Korthite Crystals
    • These are BoE and can be funneled from alts into mains

Tormentors of Torghast (every 2 hours)

  • Soul ash
  • Rep


  • Small amounts of Valor


  • Alternate gear
  • Very sweaty

There will be an interest meeting if you wish to be on the Weekend Heroic Team (AKA Peepo’s Pals) this Saturday, July 3rd, at 5pm EST. If you can not make it, but want to raid heroic difficulty, please reach out to Peepo on our Discord. For the forseeable future, Peepo’s Pals will be raiding on Saturdays starting at 5pm EST and Mondays at 7pm EST for three hours each night.

Whether you were able to make it, or whether you weren’t (BULBZ, on a BEACH in FRANCE), we’ve added these minutes to the website per usual so that they’re easy for people to read through or review, especially as we made the meeting as quick and efficient as possible.


Raider Expectations
Finalizing Mains
AOTC Carries
9.1 Prep
Loot Rules
Weekend Filling
Raid Materials / Donations
Mythic + Requirements
9.1 Launch Activities
Raider Evals
Stuff We Forgot

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Since the last raid roundup, the Mythic team has reached 9/10 heroic and 1/10 mythic. The Weekend Warriors are 10/10 normal and 3/10 heroic. Neither team has advanced this quickly into new content before, and both teams are experiencing the pains of fast progression and the stress of improving quickly. We’ll be going over some of the difficult areas that members of each team needs to focus on to get over their respective hurdles – mostly down to better communication and positioning.

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