Thank you to everyone that came! This was a relatively short meeting that just went over some changes and some new things!

Meet our two new PvP leads!

  • Miatreeleafa and Bizatch are both going to be leading RBGs on a regular basis, and they are awesome at it!
  • Miatreeleafa mostly handles our strats and helps out with our comps.
  • Bizatch is our comp man and will be helping out where needed.

New Attendance Policy for the Whole PvP Team

  • We now only have 2 “official” days a week.
  • We will only require 6 pts for Gladiator promotion (75% attendance).
  • You can still get bonus points from just PvPing with the guild!

Rated Attendance

  • Let us know if you can’t make it
  • If you don’t, you’ll be benched the following week.
  • PLEASE let us know if you need to leave halfway through an RBG day so we don’t have to spend excessive time replacing you.

New Invite Policy for Weekly Rated Team

  • Be confirmed with Lunzzul
  • Sign up on the guild calendar the Monday before a guild event
    • The positions will be on  a first come-first serve basis, based on the order that people have signed up on the guild calendar.
  • Be in Discord 15 mins before the scheduled time.

PLEASE make sure that you are geared appropriately.

If you’re not already running Reporter during RBGs, you’re wrong!

  • This addon helps us all, because it sits on your screen and shows you the whole map at all times, as well as capping times, flag carrier positions, and it’s quicker than having to constantly open your map!

We are still on the search for our havoc/vengeance demon hunter for flag carrying and that sick cleave!

  • Message one of the PvP leads on Discord, and we will help you level and gear you if you are interested!

Friday Night Fights

  • This week, Miatreeleafa will be starting an arena night after raid on Fridays!
  • This will be at 8pm server time, and it will continue until people are tired of arena-ing
  • This will help you towards Gladiator promotion, but it will not affect you if you do not come!
  • Required Addons – Gladius

Weekly Write-Ups

  • Make sure you’re checking the overviews each week.
  • These are quick little blurbs on the website that help go over everything that we need to improve, things we need to continue doing, and things that are exceptional.

We are watching performance, so don’t be lazy!

  • Your performance determines if you’ll be invited back
From Miatreeleafa, one of our new PvP officers:

“This weeks Ministry of Defense Rated Battlegound’s Night was a win. The team ended the night with a 3-2 winning record.

This first match on Temple of Kotmogu began with a swift wipe of the opposing team. The opposing team quickly decided that they had chosen the wrong temple to tango in leaving within just a few minutes following the start of the match.

We struggled the following two matches on Seething Shore and Arathi Basin with following directions of call outs therefore losing unnecessary team fights. The matches were close but we were unable to walk away with a win.

Then, the team rallied on Twin Peaks in a 3-2 comeback victory with improved communication and strong team fight wins sparking a change in momentum.

The night was ended on a overwhelming victory on Temlpe of Kotmogu.

The team is seeing week over week improvement in strategies and communication. Make sure if you are on the team or plan to be that you are running the reporter addon. Also, be on the lookout PvP meeting later this week to discuss future plans. As a side note, we are looking for a dedicated flag carrier who can offspec when needed (Vengence/Havoc Demon Hunter perferred). Please message any PvP officer if interested. Thanks to the great group of guildies that came out this week and if you are interested in joining make sure to check out the PvP page on the guild website for more info.”


Congrats to the following people for their recent promotions within the guild!

Bulborbish has been promoted from Legati to Guild Praetor for all his help during the guilds’ raids, as well as continuing an excellent job with Sunday Funday events!

Lunzzul has been promoted to Warlord, bringing the PVP section of our guild to within equal standing with the guild’s PVE raiding section.

Accordingly, Hoss has been promoted from Legati to Guild Praetor, for his continued help in the PVP area.

Round out the promotions, are bumps up for two new guild officers, Bizatch and Miatreeleafa. Thank you both for helping out our PVP division!

Congratulations to Dangerkor for winning tonight’s Rumble in the Jungle! Tonight’s prize was a companion from the in-game shop, and he chose the new Cap’n Crackers.

If you would like to win an awesome prize like this, join us on Monday and Wednesday nights for our PvP events. Sign up for things on the guild calendar!

((excuse this mess of a screenshot.))

With Alliance at 1460 points with 1 base captured and Horde at 1420 with 2, the final match of the Rated Battlegrounds night this week was too close for comfort. Fortunately for Ministry of Defense, Dangerkor got ahold of the flag with no time to spare. Below you can see his team has got his back – watch as Death Grip, Leap of Faith, Cyclone, and more are all used to ensure he pulls out a game-winning capture for the team.

Thanks again to Miatreeleafa for streaming and capturing moments like this. You can follow him on Twitch and Youtube at nFbPrototype. Are you also a streamer or Youtuber and want your content featured? Submit it or contact us on Discord!

Last night, we hit 10 Gladiators in  the guild! I just want to thank Deathhoss and Miatreeleafa for helping out so much lately, with the influx of new members and new content!

Congratulations to Cynicalstaff, Bizatch, Dangerkor, Frostlich, Foxlauncher, Torchwarrior, Warvoxi, and Wendal for getting this spicy new promotion and becoming part of the cool kids!


If you would like to join the likes, check out and read up on the Rules and Regulations, or contact myself (Lunzzul/Judaspriest) or Deathhoss! Everyone is welcome!

So, we have recently added a bunch of officers and assistants (Legatis and Praetors) to help out with various aspects of Battle for Azeroth. I figured that I would take some time to introduce them to everyone (both new and old) with what their guild roles are!

Lunzzul and Hoss (Deathhoss) – are 1st and 2nd in command of our PVP division

Wolframheart – Guild Tailor (bags) and Guild Bank control

Sym – is currently helping where needed, but may take a leadership role when Warfronts start

Widrick – chiefly responsible for technical issues as they pertain to the guild website

Grim – guild chef and produces our feasts, amongst other things

Bulb – Sunday Funday officer and enchants producer

Lineda – Guild Alchemist and Flask producer

Zextol/Telanlan/Quetzie/Tiv – Raid Leaders (Warlords)

Truetype – Officer in Training – Island Expeditions