Our weekly casual PvP event is moving to a new start time at 9:30pm EST/6:30pm PST. Catch it this week for honor gains and glory!
If you like slaughtering the Alliance, you’re in the right place.
Congratulations to the guild’s rated PvP team for reaching an 1800 rating this season!
Join Azziria for casual PvP Battlegrounds every Wednesday evening at 9pm EST. If you are new to PvP in World of Warcraft, this is the perfect event to get started!
Slytherkiss made it to ‘Hero of the Horde’ in ranked battlegrounds last season. He ended up in the top 0.5% of all ranked players. Congratulations!
Check out the events calendar either in-game or here:
Events Calendar | Ministry of Defense
There is still a lot going on in the guild!
Gladiator requirements and rewards
- Attendance of half the PvP events within a month’s period for promotion.
- 2500g repairs, Access to tabs 5&6 in the guild bank
General rules reiteration
This group is about having fun for everyone both progression and casual minded. Group is also aimed at not following the generally known toxic PvP atmosphere.
New event discussion, new RBG day
Opening polls for interest in a guild bracket style tournament with prizes for incentive
New RBG day confirmed but no definite time yet, to be determined within the next few weeks.
A lot of attendance and players being locked out of groups due to early attendance led to the idea of a new RBG day.
Bring up possible roster system use in reference to comps and attendance for RBGs
Event ideas and Q&A
Q: Will there be rating requirements to not penalize high rated players?
A: There should be organization with requiring rating depending on average rating of the group those specific nights. Also we can utilize things like the other RBG night since we will have multiple, to have some nights focus on lower rating players or alts to get them into RBGs.
Q: How is current rating going to affect the comp especially as we push later ratings?
A: We encourage alts so we can adjust our comp better when we reach those points, and to make our nights a generally easier and fun time instead of having to have a “work with what we got” mentality.
Q: Do alternate unscheduled events still lead to promotions?
A: They can lead to bonus points to maintain or help promotion to Glad or higher positions.
Q: What are the new requirements for RBGs?
A: Upcoming vers % requirements (% to be determined but expect 20%+ to be l ikely), Rating, and new 200 i lvl minimum required to attend now. We will focus more on confirmations now more than before in order to attend RBGs as well, from this point forward the 1 week grace period will be enforced and you will not attend RBGs if you are not a confirmed player; after that period we reminded you to confirm, no exceptions.
Congratulations to Azziria for being promoted to Warbringer status in the guild! His main focus will be the ‘PVP for Fun’ event that will now take place on Saturday afternoons from 2pm – 4pm EST.
He will also continue to help out with rated battlegrounds as well. An additional note to all of this is that we will now have 2 nights for rated PVP battlegrounds, Sunday and Tuesday, both starting at 8pm EST.
Stepping into the Arena: Getting Gladiator, Attaining Heaven and The Road to 2400CR
Hey guys, Tiraffe here. I’m back with another PVP guide. Note that this will be more of a living document as we approach Shadowlands.
This time, I’m gonna talk about how to reach and keep the elusive goal of Gladiator in rated arenas.
This is a historical document detailing the Corruption borrowed power system from patch 8.3. While most of the information is no longer relevant since Shadowlands prepatch, some of the info may become relevant in the future should similar systems become a part of WoW again. This may contain excerpts regarding Corruption from some of the other pvp guides in order to keep the other guides more up to date.
Hey guys, Tiraffe here with a brief guide regarding corruption, corrupted gear and how to take advantage of it in 8.3 PvP, now that a bunch of tuning regarding corruption has recently passed (and hopefully I don’t have to update this). This will be in regards to all matter of PvP, but a good chunk of the analysis be in regards to arenas.
Meeting Agenda:
- Warbringer Intros
- PvP Atmosphere and Community Goals
- Events and their schedules
- Rule Changes and new point system
- Confirmation changes
- General Conduct
- Q&A Questions