This Saturday, June 24th, grouping at 8:30pm EST, we are hosting a PvP duels bracket tournament. First place gets a choice between 2 prizes, second gets whichever the first place winner passes on.
Prizes will be either a store mount or a wow token of gold.

While the tournament is underway we will also have a side section for people to get the PvP-dueler achievements.
A spreadsheet for sign ups is linked on our Discord. If you plan to participate, sign up on the spread sheet so we can pre-build the brackets.
Hope to see many of you there for an evening of fun and mayhem!

Ministry of Defense is now 1/9 mythic, and we’ve never progressed this fast before. Normally it takes us around 2 months to get our first mythic kill. This took us 4 weeks total, with 11 pulls over 2 nights, which is the fastest we’ve ever gotten a Mythic boss down. Great job team! We’re well on our way to meeting our new goals! We were 3rd to kill Sarkareth on heroic, but we’re currently #2 on the realm for mythic progression. With renewed vigor from the Alliance in Dragonflight, we’re sure to have to work hard to keep our spot on the Aerie Peak leaderboard.

From Hoss:

Do you enjoy playing World of Warcraft and getting mounts, toys, etc?
We have just what you need! We are starting the MoD Funday event again at a new day and time!

On Saturday, May 27th we will be doing the ‘For the Horde’ achievement by slaying the alliance leaders for their achievements and mount!
We have run this event in the past to great success and any who wishes to attend is welcome!
So please come join us for an evening of laughs, battle shouts, mayhem and all-around fun.

Grouping for this Saturday’s Funday event will start at 8:30 pm est, and start time will be 9:00 pm est. The Saturday Funday event will be held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month with a different in-game activity and focus.

Hope to see you there this week!