From Raid Leader Zextol:

We will be holding a mandatory pre BFA raid meeting on 8/23/18 (see the guild calendar to sign up). All raiders/new guild members seeking to raid Uldir please make it a point to attend; the event starts at 4:00p server (7:00p Eastern). We will be discussing weekly progression times, rules and requirements, establishing roles and just overall tips for preparing for the first week of Uldir. Speak to a raid leader if you will not be able to catch the meeting and we will do our best to accommodate you. We look forward to seeing you all!!

Make sure you enter our discord raffles, there are several cool prizes up for grabs!

Also: At 11am eastern, all members of Ministry of Defense are welcome to try their luck at pulling prizes, once a day, from the last guild bank tab. In that last tab are a Depleted Kyparium Rocket Mount, a Geosynchronous World Spinner Mount, a Spring Strider mount, gold prizes, battle pets and some ‘ZONK!’ prizes. If you get a winning letter from the last guild bank tab, please in-game mail it to Urostek. I want to thank @Lunzzul for helping set this up and @Telanlan for donating some of the prizes!

All winners must be a member of Ministry of Defense in good standing.

So, since the Gurubashi Tournament was super fun, we are going to do it again Saturday, instead of the scheduled Rated Battlegrounds!

This time, there’s a twist!!

An anonymous sponsor has set a prize for 200,000 gold to the final winner. That’s right! Two hundred THOUSAND.

Because of this being literally more than a single token, to avoid gear differentials and people who are just god amongst men at their classes being paired with people who haven’t had the same experience levels, everyone who wishes to participate will be required to make a trial character for this event. You can be any class, role, and spec that you wish, but it MUST be a trial with the stock gearset.

I hope to see everyone in the arena Saturday! Let’s get as many people as possible to make it an interesting last pre-BFA event. Betting is not only welcome, but it is also extremely encouraged 😉

PvP in Battle for Azeroth

So, since Blizz did us a solid and decided to add some Warmode features early, here’s a quick rundown of what its going to look like for anyone interested!

This is essentially a TL;DR, so if there is something you don’t understand completely, refer to this.

What’s New


When a player in Warmode manages to kill more than 10 players of the opposing faction, they have a “bounty” placed on them. When a player gets a bounty on them, you will be notified when he or she comes near you, and you will be able to see it on your map. You can also loot this person when you kill him or her and get a nice little prize.

Air Drops

This one is super fun. An above aircraft will occasionally drop a crate that the two factions can fight over. Once a faction has control of this crate, anyone in that faction can loot it. Right now, its only available in Dark Shore, but it will be all over the new zones!


So, one thing that I am REALLY excited about, is the Conqueror of Azeroth title that will be available in Battle for Azeroth. These two new features will unlock three of the requirements for the achievement.  Saturday, August 4, we will try to get as many as we can done. This section will just be a quick little guide for anyone interested in  participating, as well  as for anyone who just wants to do it on their own. They are all pretty straight forward.

August 4th Event

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers is a four part achievement that requires you to be in a 2-5 person party.

  • Honorable kill
  • Loot Player Bounty
  • Complete Rare Elite World Quest
  • Loot War Supply Chest

War Supplied

  • Open a War Supply Crate from a air supply drop while within War Mode

Bounty Hunting

  • Loot 10 bounties from slain players while within War Mode.

As you may be able to tell, these aren’t exactly one day achievements, but my goal is to get as close to the requirements as possible. The full achievement with all the requirements is listed here. I hope to see all of you on Saturday, and as always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask away!

If you raided with us at all this season and have attained AOTC, don’t forget to submit your mount photo! (You don’t have to have gotten AOTC with us!)

How to do it is detailed in this post.

I’ll be adding any one who has submitted a picture and posting the shot I took last week on Tuesday! This photo will be used as part of the promotional images on the site.