Congrats to the guilds’ raid team for downing normal G’huun last night. You all did a great job this past week clearing all the normal bosses during the first week of raid release!
Words of “wisdom” from Guild Master, Officers, or other leaders within the Ministry of Defense. ONLY posts including this category will show on the homepage!
Given our general success and progress on Sunday, we’ve decided to see if there’s interest in going after him again on Monday (same time as usual raids).
If you’re interested, please sign up as “confirmed” in game. If you’re not sure, hit “tentative”. 4 raids on one week is a lot but I know there’s excitement since we got him to 8%. We’d hate to lose steam and disappoint anyone taking a look at getting the kill on week 1.
(Reminder: you still have to be confirmed for an invite. Bonus raid nights don’t count towards promotions to Vanguard.)
On account of our raid team going 7/8 in two days (holy smokes are we impressed), we’re going to be continuing a trend we picked up in Antorus with Argus, and setting up another raid time this weekend.
Sunday at 5pm PST / 8pm EST we will be going for the kill on G’huun. Invites start going out at a half an hour before, as usual.
Sunday Funday will only be going from 3-5 PST / 6-8 EST as a result.
Please watch the G’huun videos from previous Raider Homework assignments. If FatBoss adds a live (not beta) video between now and then, I’ll make sure to post it for you guys! If anyone has G’huun experience, we welcome you to share your thoughts and strategies in the Raiding Discussion Discord channel.
As a reminder, this is still only for those who properly confirmed with a Warlord that you’ve read the rules / done the homework. This “pick up” event does not count towards or against Vanguard promotions.
Because Blizzard decided to be a shitter with gear this xpack (especially weapons / offhands), we’ve decided to lower the ilvl requirements for raid inclusion to 340. Too many people are stuck at 343 in a panic unable to make the cut. That’s not fair to you or to us, so we’re lowering the numbers (at least for now). I’ll be updating the rules accordingly!
As a reminder: hitting the raw numbers isn’t enough to qualify for raid. You must also read the following:
Once you’ve read all that, confirm that fact with Quetzie. If you do not properly confirm your understanding of the aforementioned, you do not get to raid with us, even if you’re 350 ilvl and 25 azerite level.
Confirmations must be made by 5pm EST / 2pm PST. If you do not properly confirm you have 1 additional hour to do it right. No confirmations will be accepted after 6pm/3pm, and invites go out at 6:30/3:30.
So, we have recently added a bunch of officers and assistants (Legatis and Praetors) to help out with various aspects of Battle for Azeroth. I figured that I would take some time to introduce them to everyone (both new and old) with what their guild roles are!
Lunzzul and Hoss (Deathhoss) – are 1st and 2nd in command of our PVP division
Wolframheart – Guild Tailor (bags) and Guild Bank control
Sym – is currently helping where needed, but may take a leadership role when Warfronts start
Widrick – chiefly responsible for technical issues as they pertain to the guild website
Grim – guild chef and produces our feasts, amongst other things
Bulb – Sunday Funday officer and enchants producer
Lineda – Guild Alchemist and Flask producer
Zextol/Telanlan/Quetzie/Tiv – Raid Leaders (Warlords)
Truetype – Officer in Training – Island Expeditions
A new way to get Gladiator status is now being introduced! All you have to do is PvP with the Gladiators! Whenever you want to run some PvP of any kind, contact one of us and it will count towards a spicy new promotion. Whether it’s 3v3s, 2v2s, world PvP, random battlegrounds, ganking lowbies, whatever, run it with some guildies!
I’ve added Lunzzul, PvP Officer, to the About MoD page. She joins the other Warlords and Urostek with a short bio.
I’ve also updated Telanlan – more commonly known as Telann – to his Druid’s information instead of his Demon Hunter, since he swapped mains at the end of Legion (make no mistake, we druids are taking over the guild!).
Within the next month all of the site admins likely be getting new avatars and transmog pictures as the loot upgrades start to slow and people pick a new “look” for the upcoming tier. This helps put a face to a name, as it were, so you know who to look for in raids and arenas. Not sure what to do as a ranged DPS? Follow the giant chicken! Can’t find that alliance priest? Stick to sparkle kitty! Not sure where to stand as melee? Glue yourself to the bright yellow rogue – and avoid the neon red bear!
Cheers to Telann, Foxxiê, and Lunzzul for making their first posts recently. Lunzz is also working on the PvP Pages to keep our Gladiators updated on everything important for this growing aspect of the guild. I hope we’ll see a lot more posts from them in the future! Each of our site admins brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, and we hope to represent our members accordingly.
I continue to try to push out quality of life changes and add new, useful, and fun features to the website for the guild. If you have an idea or a suggestion, fill out the Feedback form and let me know! Is something broken? Submit a Bug Report!
Thank you to everyone that attended the PvP meeting tonight! The turn out was way better than I expected, so I am hoping for a super fun season! If you were unable to attend, you can find all of the information that we went over here.
If you have anymore comments, questions, or concerns, ask me at any time, and I will do my best to answer! The best way to contact me is through Discord (Lunzzul#7740).
If you are interested in being a part of a 3v3 or 2v2 arena team, let me know! Two of my super awesome Gladiators have offered to run events specifically for this. We need interest before we can proceed with it!
Pay attention to the PvP announcements channel in Discord for future updates!
Calling all herbalists! Come help the guild prepare for Uldir raiding by gathering the herbs needed to create flasks, potions, and cauldrons.
Players who donate the most herbs could win prizes such as mounts, toys, and gold!
Two small and one big change coming to the site today!
New Top Banner
First, the banner at the top of every webpage has been updated. It used to be our kill pic from Nighthold:
Now, it’s our kill pic from Heroic Antorus:
New Raiding Homepage Banner
Remember the AOTC Mount Photo and submissions?
PvP Pages
Last, but certainly not least, we have a PvP section on the website now.
Much like the Raiding homepage, the PvP homepage has the most recent 10 PvP posts, and links to the rules and complete PvP news feed. It also includes a handy list of PvP-only resources, like addons and macros. The homepage lists requirements for partaking in both casual and rated PvP, and features the picture of us on our mounts after achieving For the Horde.
I continue to try to push out quality of life changes and add new, useful, and fun features to the website for the guild. If you have an idea or a suggestion, fill out the Feedback form and let me know! Is something broken? Submit a Bug Report!