There will be a timewalking run of Black Temple this Saturday night, after the weekly heroic Ny’alotha raid is over, starting at about 8:30PM EST. You will need to be in the Discord raiding voice channel and be at least 430 ilvl to join in.
Words of “wisdom” from Guild Master, Officers, or other leaders within the Ministry of Defense. ONLY posts including this category will show on the homepage!
Over the past week we made some changes to the officer core for Ministry of Defense. Please help me welcome the following people who will be helping in the following areas:
Tiraffe has joined us as a Warlord (Raid Lead)
Gary (names you can’t pronounce) has joined the MoD officer core and will be helping with crafting and guild bank maintenance
Rip has joined the officer core and is organizer of the Sunday afternoon mythic keystone event
Gary (names you can’t pronounce) has joined the MoD officer core and will be helping with crafting and guild bank maintenance
Rip has joined the officer core and is organizer of the Sunday afternoon mythic keystone event
Also, a special thank you to @Vellitha who was also promoted to the Praetor rank.
Stepping into the Arena: Getting Gladiator, Attaining Heaven and The Road to 2400CR
Hey guys, Tiraffe here. I’m back with another PVP guide. Note that this will be more of a living document as we approach Shadowlands.
This time, I’m gonna talk about how to reach and keep the elusive goal of Gladiator in rated arenas.
Congrats to the Weekend Heroic Raid Team for clearing heroic Ny’Alotha these past two weekends in only 3 hours each night!
Also, don’t forget that Quetzie is still fundraising for a COVID-19 charity on her twitch stream. Check it out!
Hey everyone!
Regulars around here know that I’ve done a few good / charitable cause donation drives in the last year. My plan was not to do another one until the St. Jude fundraiser again, but something incredibly more pressing and personal is happening.
We are all aware of the effect that COVID-19 is having on the world right now. Some are affected more than others. One of our members is a nurse in New York, not far from where I live. As you may have heard, NY is one of the states most affected by COVID-19. Her facility, like so many others, is hurting for adequate PPE (personal protective equipment) – she had to buy her own N95 mask, she has no face shields, and they have just reached the point of rationing surgical masks. At the end of March, her facility had its first confirmed case of a staff member infected with COVID-19, and it’s only going to get worse.
During this time, I will be splitting donations on my stream between two causes: sending her facility face shields from a group called RIST, and sending washable, reusable surgical masks with filter inserts made by a fellow MoD member.
Your donations, and these supplies, will help ensure not only the safety of one of our own, but those she works with and those she treats. Any funds not used to benefit her facility directly will continue to be donated to RIST; they are sending face shields for free to hospitals across several states in the northeast. If at any point she makes me aware of a particular need for specific PPE at her facility, I will redirect funds to a different group or charity who can help instead (I will be transparent about it if this happens).
Quetzie’s Stream (host)
RIST 3D Printing (medical face shields)
Junky Jewelry (washable surgical masks with filter inserts)
Donate at my streamlabs tip jar (I will be keeping 0.00 funds, and am happy to prove it via receipts to anyone who asks.)
This is a historical document detailing the Corruption borrowed power system from patch 8.3. While most of the information is no longer relevant since Shadowlands prepatch, some of the info may become relevant in the future should similar systems become a part of WoW again. This may contain excerpts regarding Corruption from some of the other pvp guides in order to keep the other guides more up to date.
Hey guys, Tiraffe here with a brief guide regarding corruption, corrupted gear and how to take advantage of it in 8.3 PvP, now that a bunch of tuning regarding corruption has recently passed (and hopefully I don’t have to update this). This will be in regards to all matter of PvP, but a good chunk of the analysis be in regards to arenas.
Many of you know (or might not know if you haven’t been in trade chat recently) that Ministry of Defense is turning 10 years old this week in a game that is five more years its senior (WoW is 15 years old now).
I’ve been with the guild for eight years, and in a leadership position within the guild for the past seven or so years. The guild has prospered because of all of you and your help, dedication, and continued support. Without the help of our members, their input and attendance at guild events, we wouldn’t be in the excellent events programming position we are in today.
I first want to thank our current raid leaders (warlords) Quetzie, Zextol, Telann, and Peepo for their tireless efforts in making sure we field two raid teams and maintaining a busy four day a week raiding schedule. We would not be in the position that we are currently as a server top-tier raiding guild (and consistently number one horde guild) without them.
Next, I want to thank our PVP Leaders: Frostlich, Phill, and Hoss. Thank you for your efforts on putting guild PVP back on the map. Without your efforts directing three PVP activities a week, the alliance would have it easier existing on this server than they already do. 🙂
We also have a handful of officers that I would like to thank for their ability to back us up and help out when needed. Thank you to Jibbles, Harm, Grimm, and Wolframheart. I would be remiss if I didn’t particularly shout-out Bulborbish for his ongoing efforts organizing the guild’s Sunday Funday events.
Logging into WoW each day is a pleasure. It is something that I always look forward to at the end of my work day. Thank you all for making Ministry of Defense a welcoming, friendly, and fun place to be!