Words of “wisdom” from Guild Master, Officers, or other leaders within the Ministry of Defense. ONLY posts including this category will show on the homepage!
Thank you to all our participants!
You may vote for ONE entry per category. Results will be announced later in the week!
Click the thumbnails to see a larger view of the costumes!
You will get a “an error occurred: please try again” when you vote. THE VOTE STILL WENT THROUGH! We are seeing your votes increase even as the error occurs. Sorry for the inconvenience!
The mythic raid team fully cleared normal difficulty Nerub-ar Palace and then went into heroic difficulty and cleared half the raid this past week making their progression 4/8H during the first week of release!
The Saturday heroic AOTC raid team went 6/8N in their first outing this week!
Can’t wait to see where both teams end up this week!