Tomb of Sargeras Guild Run Raffle Winners

Thanks to everyone who helped out with the Tomb of Sargeras Guild Run Achievement this past Monday! We have two winners for the raffle we just held for those who participated. Lisse won a Sentinel’s Eternal Refuge (Leather Legendary) and Lunzzul won 5000g courtesy of Ganelon.

Be sure to sign up for this Sunday’s (3/25) Legacy Guild run at 3:30pm server/6:30pm eastern. There will be another raffle for those who help out and participate!

Holiday Raffle winners

Thanks to everyone who took part to make this year so great!

The following is a list of prizes and winners from the year end guild raffle:

Thanks to wolframheart for donating the hexweave bags!

Congrats to all the winners!

2017 Holiday Raffle goodies

guild raffle prizes

I’m excited. Are you excited? A sneak peak at what is to come.

Thanks to Telanlan for donating a Steelbound Harness for the raffle!

The year end guild raffle is on Jan 1st. Sign up on the WoW in game calendar to enter. This year we are giving away: 2 Vial of the Sands mounts, 2 Steelbound Harnesses (mount), 2 Mechano-Hogs, 2 Garn Nighthowls, 8 Hexweave Bags, gold, amongst other prizes thrown into the mix!

Update 12/20: Of the 58 people who have signed up for the year end guild raffle so far, I’ve been able to do a slightly non-scientific poll. The guild’s most popular class is Hunter (with 14 signups to date) and the guild’s least popular class is Paladin (with no signups to date)