Recent Guild Promotions!!

Congrats to the following people who are on their way to guild greatness. 🙂

Treeson, Wytenyte, Sym, and Qwaylas were all recently promoted to raider status.

Kamahl and Kase were also promoted to the new guild rank, Guild Champion.

Also, congrats to Khan/Udderlyprot for making it to the rank of Veteran!


Woot! Woot!

New Guild Rank Unveiled in a Red Carpet Ceremony

Well, not really a ceremony… but we can dream!

Anyways, there is a new guild rank, the ‘Guild Champion’. Think of it as being double the MoD member! Just show up to guild events regularly like Alt Raid Night, Tiv’s Key Night, or Sunday Funday with Bulb, and you are on your way to a new status and guild promotion in game and on Discord! You’ll even get 400G a day repair withdrawal!

Raider Promotions and News

Just to get everyone up to speed, Tiv was promoted to one of the Raid Leaders tonight. He joins Zextol/Ryzin, Quetzie, and Telanlan as the raid leader team. If you have any questions or concerns regarding raiding, please contact them. This includes questions about how you could perform better, questions about raid add-ons, questions about getting started with raiding… anything regarding raiding in general.

Also, congrats goes out to Lunzzul who was promoted to raider status as well this evening.

Upcoming Events

Just a reminder about some upcoming events you should sign up for on the in-game WoW calendar:

Tiv’s Weekly Mythic Keys: Friday at 3pm server

Sunday Funday with Bulborbish: Sunday at 3pm server

Heroic Tomb of Sargeras Clear with Symderella: this Thursday at 5pm server

As always, Raids continue to operate on Monday/Wednesday at 4pm server and Saturday at 2pm server!

Deepest Sympathies

It is with the deepest sympathies that we inform you that one of our guild tanks, Ashkicker, passed away a couple of days ago due to the complications from cancer.

Ashkicker will always be in our hearts and memories.

Recent Raffle Winners!

Congrats to the following people for winning raffles the past few days:

Congratulations @Orektarg (966 BM Hunter)! You won the Weekly 10,000G Raffle!

Congratulations @Khaan/Udderly (Tank/DPS)! You won the Celumbra, the cloth Legion crafted Legendary (courtesy of Bulborbish)!

Congratulations @Akathartos! You won the Void Shrouded Satchel/Touch of the Void BoA Trinket!

Congratulations @Niki (Lunzzul/Belladonna)! You won the Vigilance Perch OR Sentinel’s Eternal Refuge Legendary (courtesy of Quetzie)!