Want to Raid with the Guild?

From Raid Leader Zextol:

We will be holding a mandatory pre BFA raid meeting on 8/23/18 (see the guild calendar to sign up). All raiders/new guild members seeking to raid Uldir please make it a point to attend; the event starts at 4:00p server (7:00p Eastern). We will be discussing weekly progression times, rules and requirements, establishing roles and just overall tips for preparing for the first week of Uldir. Speak to a raid leader if you will not be able to catch the meeting and we will do our best to accommodate you. We look forward to seeing you all!!

Prizes are a poppin'!

Make sure you enter our discord raffles, there are several cool prizes up for grabs!

Also: At 11am eastern, all members of Ministry of Defense are welcome to try their luck at pulling prizes, once a day, from the last guild bank tab. In that last tab are a Depleted Kyparium Rocket Mount, a Geosynchronous World Spinner Mount, a Spring Strider mount, gold prizes, battle pets and some ‘ZONK!’ prizes. If you get a winning letter from the last guild bank tab, please in-game mail it to Urostek. I want to thank @Lunzzul for helping set this up and @Telanlan for donating some of the prizes!

All winners must be a member of Ministry of Defense in good standing.

Raid Reminder!!

Just a reminder that we will be making our final attempt at downing heroic Coven this Saturday at 2pm server (5pm EST) before the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch launches this Tuesday. Also, a little birdy told me.. well, maybe a Violet Spellwing told me, that everyone who has received AOTC: Argus is welcome to attend a guild photo event at Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands at raid time. Please be on time tomorrow!

Heroic Argus is Down!

The guild’s raid team had a successful kill on heroic Argus this evening (we’re looking at you Coven).

Several raiders were able to get their ‘Argus: Ahead of the Curve’ achievement this evening. 🙂

Thank you to Orektarg for reminding us that the Argus kill is dedicated to one of our guild tanks, Ashkicker, who died this past May from the complications of cancer.