Guild Ranking System Changes

There are a couple of new guild ranks. Warlord will remain for our Raid Leaders, but a new rank, Warbringer, will be for the PVP Leaders. The Guild Praetor position was condensed with the current officer rank, Legati. All the other guild ranks are unaffected.

If you raid, or want to raid, speak to a Warlord.

If you PVP, or want to PVP, consult a Warbringer.

Do not forget about the guild’s Hallow’s End Transmog Contest currently underway at:

Congrats on the Raiding Success!

Congrats guys and gals on last nights raiding successes in Uldir! We are currently 1/8M, 8/8H, 8/8N, 8/8 LFR 🙂 ! If you were asked to sit last night, please make sure to watch the videos, read about the encounters, learn the fights, and how the role you play applies to the encounters.

Special thanks to Quetzie for raffling off an in-game store mount for last nights participants. You rock!

Feast materials gathering and raiding reminder!

Hello everyone!

Just a reminder that Grimmshock is collecting donations for materials for our raid feasts. These include: Redtail Loach, Frenzied Fangtooth, and Midnight Salmon, Stringy Loins and Meaty Haunches, amongst other useful feast related items and mats. There is a prize to the top two donators during this week. Please mail your feast donations to Grimmshock.

Also, beginning this week, we start heroic progression in Uldir on Thursday and Friday, with this upcoming Monday being an Alt night/Normal Uldir night. All the raids start at 4pm server. We have an ilevel cutoff for heroic raiding starting at 355. There might be a DPS cutoff upcoming, depending on progress.

Feast materials needed for guild raids!

A reminder from the Guild’s Head Chef, Grimmshock:

Beginning 12:00 pm, 30 September, we will be starting a week long Feast Materials Gathering event. Send materials to Grimmshock. What we are looking for: Redtail Loach, Frenzied Fangtooth, and Midnight Salmon. Will also accept Stringy Loins and Meaty Haunches. I’ll keep a tally of all donations and announce a winner and runner up 7 October. The prizes are a stingray mount and 10k gold. Winners choice.

Recent Guild Promotions!!

Congrats to the following people for their recent promotions within the guild!

Bulborbish has been promoted from Legati to Guild Praetor for all his help during the guilds’ raids, as well as continuing an excellent job with Sunday Funday events!

Lunzzul has been promoted to Warlord, bringing the PVP section of our guild to within equal standing with the guild’s PVE raiding section.

Accordingly, Hoss has been promoted from Legati to Guild Praetor, for his continued help in the PVP area.

Round out the promotions, are bumps up for two new guild officers, Bizatch and Miatreeleafa. Thank you both for helping out our PVP division!

A Rash of Promotions

So, we have recently added a bunch of officers and assistants (Legatis and Praetors) to help out with various aspects of Battle for Azeroth. I figured that I would take some time to introduce them to everyone (both new and old) with what their guild roles are!

Lunzzul and Hoss (Deathhoss) – are 1st and 2nd in command of our PVP division

Wolframheart – Guild Tailor (bags) and Guild Bank control

Sym – is currently helping where needed, but may take a leadership role when Warfronts start

Widrick – chiefly responsible for technical issues as they pertain to the guild website

Grim – guild chef and produces our feasts, amongst other things

Bulb – Sunday Funday officer and enchants producer

Lineda – Guild Alchemist and Flask producer

Zextol/Telanlan/Quetzie/Tiv – Raid Leaders (Warlords)

Truetype – Officer in Training – Island Expeditions



The time for M+ is coming and coming fast! We have 12 days! That’s right 12 more days till we can start slamming those keys! I will be holding a meeting for those interested in doing/learning about M+ for BFA. The meeting will take place Saturday Sep 1st at 4:30pm servertime/7:30pm est There is a calendar event already set in place so please SIGN UP! If anyone has any questions before hand please do not hesitate to message me in game/mail or in discord Im here to help that’s my job 😉 ! I hope everyone is as excited as I am to start the 1st season of BFA M+

Battle for Azeroth Raffle Winners!

Congrats to the following people for winning their respective prizes!

Congratulations @Truetype80! You won the 100,000G BfA Giveaway Spectacular!!
Congratulations @lillehammer, @Simorie, @Dirk_13 (Ullquiorra), @will (Warvoxi), @Bulborbish! You won the Garn Nighthowl Mount!
Congratulations @Book, @will (Warvoxi)! You won the Coalfist Gronnling Mount!
Congratulations @Grim! You won the Steelbound Harness Mount!
Congratulations @Lunzzul, @Pete (Miatreeleafa/Smitemeow)! You won the In-Game Shop Mount (value = $25)!
Congratulations @Rammathorn, @Rocketfox! You won the Four Hexweave Bags!
Congratulations @will (Warvoxi)! You won the Four Silkweave Satchels!
Congratulations @Starblade! You won the Bone-White Primal Raptor Mount (9999 bones to buy it on the Isle of Giants)!
Congratulations @Amaltor, @Tiv, @Daveed, @lillehammer, @Dirk_13 (Ullquiorra)! You won the Enchanting Pet Pack (includes Pen, Cauldron, and Torch)!
Congratulations @Pete (Miatreeleafa/Smitemeow), @MergencyGaming, @Deiselboy (Konflic), @Inodé, @Natty (Natski), @Bighoss! You won the A random bunch of pets (a bundle of 12, to be exact)!
Congratulations @Starblade, @Kalthragg (Monagarhar), @Book, @Pete (Miatreeleafa/Smitemeow)! You won the Pet Leather Toy Set (Flaming Hoop, Leather Leash, Leather Pet Bed, and a Random Minipet)!