Promotions and Guild Bank Repairs

Some of you might have noticed that the Guild Bank has been accumulating gold recently. This is largely in part due to guild mythic BOE farming events, BOE donations, and direct gold deposits into the bank. Where does all this gold go, and what is it used for? The answer is quite simple:

Guild Bank funds are only used for funding Guild Repairs.

You might be thinking, how can I increase what I am allocated each day? The answer to that question is also straightforward:

Participate in Guild Events. We have events for every style and skill of gameplay. By attending MoD Guild Events, you will be recognized with a guild promotion and an increase in your guild daily repair allocation. Also, all MoD Guild Events are displayed on the in game calendar and on the website calendar.

Finally, I want to say a BIG ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has helped farm for mythic BOEs, or donated gold or items to the Repair Fund during the past few months. Without your help, and participation, we would not have the support to offer these repair withdrawals.

I want to join Ministry of Defense, but what....

… name do I pick for my character? What might get you in and get an invite?

Here’s a simple guide (choose 1 or choose all):

  1. Be original
  2. Be funny
  3. Be creative
  4. Be different

I’ve seen all sorts of character names applying to this guild. And we do decline people. Recent guild application declines that have come to mind have had names like Aidsinacan and Fartnuts.


If you want to be 12, be 12 somewhere else.

We’re all adults here. 😛

A BIG Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the ongoing 50/50 guild raffle and to everyone who has helped farm mythic BOEs to help support guild repairs through the guild bank. You all are the best!

So you want to help recruit members...

I’ve been recently asked, and routinely asked, can I help recruit members to the guild?

The short answer is: Yes.

Every one of Ministry of Defense’s members in good standing can recruit a new member by issuing a new member invite in the guild communities window. However, please do not spam out unwanted, or unrequested, guild invites to people. We prefer for potential new members to seek us out, rather than the reverse.

Also, in your recruiting travels, please do not make promises that we might not be able to keep. For example, telling a potential new member that they would be guaranteed a position on a raid team… that decision is always up to the warlords for each team.

If you are so inclined, and want to help recruit new people into the guild, feel free to utilize the following recruitment message… or make your own!

<Ministry of Defense> is looking for casual players, raiders, and pvpers! We offer an adult friendly, non-toxic guild atmosphere. Currently celebrating 9 years of being awesome! Website: Currently 1/9M, 7/9H, 9/9N BoD.

Have any questions, please use our Discord #general channels for comments!