Weekly Raid Roundup: November 6 - 12

We’re going to ignore Oct 30 – November 5 and pretend it never happened.

Thursday: Mythic

It took us a few tries to get Taloc down. We had some problems with lasers or getting knocked off by the bloods. Generally however, Taloc is as easy on Mythic as it is on other difficulties.


We had some very good pulls on MOTHER with very little downtime between them. We also adopted a new strategy of pulling the boss, resetting, and running into the room to stack right next to the wall. This made the initial transition much cleaner. Crossing became easier over time as we settled into the specifics of knowing when to cross, how, and making sure not to move too far after crossing over.

We still had mishaps caused by lag or improper use of defensives, but we’re really getting the “step 1” part down. Arguably, this is the second hardest part of the fight.

After crossing, we need to kill adds. I will say that this week was generally pretty good. We had casts get off on occasion, but on account of smoother crossings we also had smoother add kills.

We also got better about standing near the wall to melee MOTHER through it. Pets will harmlessly cross through, treants and other summoned abilities can do damage, and of course even casters can safely whack her with a staff! This smidgen of DPS may not seem important now, but you’d be surprised how much it helps later…

After crossing MOTHER into Room 2, dodging mechanics there is pretty easy for us. Then, it becomes a waiting game of knowing when Spirit Link is back off cooldown and making sure we’re ready.

The transition from Room 2 into Room 3 is the most dangerous transition and the hardest to achieve. We need a good setup and we need everyone on the same page.

The yellow line on the left is the wall between rooms 2 and 3. The unhappy face is MOTHER. The silver crescent is Quetzie, marked with the Moon over her head to people know where to stack in Room 1 and now.

During the final Wind phase of room 2, players need to be nearby – but not directly against – the wall of Room 3. Many times,  players are spread incredibly far across the room – even close to the wall of Room 1! They’re never going to make it to the Room 3 wall in time. Instead, during the final Wind phase, drag your character over to Quetzie. Line up with her. She’ll be standing nearby the Room 3 wall, with MOTHER between her and the wall. After the final fire is cast (not before!), the group books it to the wall, throws down all defensives and heals, and crosses as a quick succession – ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR – just like we do in Transition 1.

If all goes well – and so far it only has a small handful of times – we’ll be in Room 3, casting lust, and gunning down the adds, then treating Room 3 just as we did Room 2.

It all came together, however – in the nick of time.

We moved up to #11 on the server and remain #1 Horde.

By the way: Remember what I said earlier about DPSing through the wall? We killed MOTHER when her room was at 94% full. That left us with mere seconds left for a kill.

Or, as expressed by Miatreeleafa on stream seconds before we got her:

Also, congrats to Tusker for hitting a gold parse on the kill:

For those curious: we had 51 wipes on MOTHER, or 45 not counting the “week we don’t speak of”. We really only had 2 nights spent working on her, so that’s not so bad!

Thursday Mythic logs

Friday: G’huun and friends

Because we had a saved lockout from last week, we jumped right into G’huun.

We only had 5 pulls that were what I will call “net garbage” as a result from orb mishaps in phase 1. We had many pulls reach well into phase 2 and 5 into Phase 3, with 3 pulls at 90 and higher. We comped down and swapped some people around due to mechanic failures, and had a few missteps but not many. Our kill was clean, however – once again we had nobody die until Phase 3.

Congrats to our new AOTC title holders: Deathhoss, Eviandrae, Avianne, Nari, Lillithh, and Sylvvannas.

After G’huun, we went to Ripblade’s lockout: he had an opening on Zul and Mythrax.

Zul was a 1-shot, which has never happened before. Everyone was very clean. Interrupts on Hexers, downing Crushers fast, the tanks did a good job at dropping their debuff, and ranged stacked mid. We had a good transition, too. Hopefully we can emulate this in future weeks.

Mythrax was a little less clean (to say the least). We actually had both tanks die, resed one, and he dies again. Fortunately, we had enough DPS and HPS to keep the fight going for a kill.

Friday logs

Monday: Alt Night

Alt night is slowly but surely transitioning into more and more Heroic bosses. We went on Normal first, skipping the first three bosses. In future weeks we’ll be continuing to up this number.

Normal is almost boring at this point, even 2 healing it as we were sometimes. G’huun we needed more healing and had a few problems with orb runners (mostly healing issues and a miscommunication with new runners). But it only took us 3 tries.

Taloc and Mother on Heroic were 1 shots. We did move MOTHER into room 3, which is unusual for us on heroic, but we needed the practice transitioning.

Monday Logs 1
Monday Logs 2

BoE Farm and Guild Bank repairs

On account of having a post-MOTHER lockout, we spent some time Sunday and after alt night on Monday farming BoEs. We’re happy to announce that we got 5 Mythic BoEs and 1 random-drop BoE. This windfall ensures that we will have plenty of money in the guild bank, and thus the repair allocation for Vanguards and Gladiators has been increased. Hopefully we can make this a recurring event as we continue to kill bosses on Mythic, and then will be set for quite a while.

Social Media

As you might be aware, MoD is now on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We’re holding a contest for anyone who follows us and submit their MoD stories! You may have already read Deiselboy’s account, so it’s time to share yours!

Plus, who wants to miss out on this sort of quality content:

I love endorsements!

Posted by MODaeriepeak on Sunday, November 11, 2018

Moonkin Festival

There’s a micro-holiday today, and it’s Talon Queen Quetzie’s favorite day of the year. Here are some of highlights of her day spent with the Moonkins!

Hanging with Makkaw, who organizes the chance to watch the baby Moonkins!

First assignment: Observe the babies dance lessons from Astralaire. And of course, show them a thing or two while I’m at it!

Second Assignment: Watch them practice moonfiring under the tutelage of Pewkew.

Of course, myself and other experienced Moonkins joined in to show them what their power could be like in a few years!

Third Assignment: Observe them napping with Dramock. Of course there’s always one little troublemaker who doesn’t want anything to do with naptime!

After I spent some time watching and reminiscing, a baby decided to follow me around. But his friends were in trouble! So I set out to vanquish the evil infringing upon Moonglade.

Along the way, I saved a friend of theirs, Clookle!

After vanquishing evil and saving the day, a total of 5 Moonkin babies decided to follow me around for the week. I hope I can teach them a thing or two about how to be a moonkin! And I know my very own Moonkin Hatchling will make them feel right at home.

If you want your own creche of moonkin hatchlings for the week, you can visit Moonglade and embark on a fun journey to save the day yourself!

Mythic BoE Farming for Guild Bank

Sunday at 3pm PST / 6pm EST, we will be farming Mythic Uldir trash for BoEs.

This is not a “personal farm day”.

All BoEs that drop during this time are to be given to Urostek so that we can deposit all funds into the Guild Bank. As it’s been previously mentioned, we are tearing through guild repairs at an alarming rate. Selling some Mythic BoEs will help stave off the slow drain that happens in an expansion where gold is hard to come by.

We will be forming at least one, preferably two groups, and farming over the course of several clears. Kill all trash, walk out, reset, repeat, until we either lose our minds or enough BoEs drop that we feel good about our potential bank deposits.

Because we are only clearing trash, anyone who feels they can survive the trash is welcome to come. You don’t have to be Mythic or even Heroic geared to join in. We encourage everyone to join us, regardless of whether or not you intend to raid. Guild Repairs benefit everyone!

New Discord channel: Market!

As you may have heard, the guild bank is slowly losing funds over time, and we’re trying hard to keep guild repairs for everybody while not spending too much of Urostek’s money keeping the bank topped off. An idea that got tossed around was of setting up a guild marketplace: somewhere to buy items, wherein the sales can go directly into the guild bank.

After a week or so of testing, we’re reading to launch the Ministry of Defense Discord Market!

The Premise

Every week, officers (currently Lineda) will list market items according to auction house trends. However, we will be under-pricing the auction house! The idea is to sell goods to MoD members at a discounted price, while depositing all profits into the guild bank. MoD members benefit from cheaper supplies, and we all benefit from increased funds into the bank!

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Vanguard Donation updates

I updated the Vanguard Donation document.

New this month:

  • 75 Crimson Ink
  • 30 Viridescent Ink
  • 200 Slimy Mackerel
  • 200 Akunda’s Bite
  • 5 Vantus Runes

I removed a few donations and slightly reorganized the page as well.

Note that Blue items are currently being sent to Urostek, and Yellow items will be sent to Quetzie. Green items remain Lineda donations.

Remember: You only need to sign up for 1 spot, but you can always send multiple stacks of items anyway.

If you’re ever unable to find the link to this document, remember that you can find it on the left-hand box on the Raiding Home page under the “Required to Raid” heading.

Hallow's End Costume Contest winners!

The votes are in!

Thank you to everyone who participated and everyone who voted. Some of these races were amazingly close – we have SEVERAL ties for placements and there are very few categories with one “stand out” winner!

As mentioned, the prizes per category are as follows:

BEST IN SHOW and THE UROSTEK will have in-store mount prizes.

RACIAL PRIDE and CROSS-DRESSED CLASS will have in-store pet prizes

MOUNT/PET and OFFICER will have Sting Ray (mount) and Corgi (minipet) prizes

However, there is a bonus: I (Quetzie) was personally so impressed with the entries that I am throwing in 5000g to any second-place winners and 1000g to any third-place winners. This includes tied entries!

Without further ado…

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Weekly Raid Roundup: Oct 23 – 29

Thursday: M.O.T.H.E.R. F-

Taloc took two attempts to down; we lost a priest early because the definition of “loosely stack” middle was…well, taken loosely. After we restarted the fight and settled that, it was relatively smooth sailing.


Much like G’huun last week, I’ll be doing a breakdown of some of the problems on MOTHER.

Some of these stats may be a little misleading (purposefully getting hit by mechanics to die on a wipe call) so it’s important to pay attention to the information as a whole; a person who lives the longest throughout a fight, but has high laser or sanitizing strike damage / hits, probably hit them to wipe easier.

Also, some people weren’t present for all pulls. Sheekey doesn’t need to worry about some stats, while Neko should pay closer attention to overall trends.

Interrupts / Stuns

Depending on comp, we’re going to come up with a stun order for this week. We routinely lost Plutonic and Wendal to melee damage from 15 adds. This means people were using stuns right off the bat without paying attention to other CD uses. We’ll work on this so it doesn’t happen!

Uldir Defensive Beams

A number of people are getting hit by wall beams (usually on the room 2-3 transition), but several more are getting hit because they don’t move quickly enough. The ceiling beams are also deceptive – people will stand in the correct spot, but then move out of safety before the ceiling beams reach the floor (usually because the wall beams have passed, they feel “safe”).

Not all hits resulted in deaths, but it’s an undue amount of damage that the healers have to take care of during an already tricky movement fight. There won’t be a lot of damage going out as long as people are properly following mechanics.

We’ve taken to calling out “STAY!” when the wall beams pass, but we don’t always remember.

Remember also that wall beams move sooner than ceiling beams. Move into a place of safety for wall beams, THEN move into the ceiling beam location if you aren’t at one yet. If you bee-line for the safe spot of both, you’re liable to get hit with a laser or two.

Behold, glorious Quetzie artwork.

If you’re standing at the bisect of green and red, run along green (to the bottom of the picture) and THEN run to the ceiling safety location. Running alone the red (diagonal) will kill you.

Sanitizing Strike

Sanitizing strike should be easy for most ranged people to dodge, unless a tank points it at them. Melee will often have trouble resulting from wind + SS being tough to get around.

SS is also a common way to die when there is a wipe call; if your name is high on the list, check to see if/when you’ve died from the spell. For example, I died to it 3 times – all at 92% or more into the fight. This likely means it was a wipe call, and my actual hits were 2 rather than 5.

Purifying Flame

There are two instances of purifying flame: one caused by swirlies on the ground after MOTHER casts Sanitizing Strike, and one caused by the fire when winds are active. I did NOT track the winds one.

Given our strat, some incidental damage is expected at the start. However, as long as we’re smart, we can avoid most of the incoming flame damage right away.

Behold, more glorious Quetzie artwork.

If we all stack tightly together (red in this image) and move left when flame goes out, we’ll be able to avoid all of the damage from PF. You can move left and move into the wall when called out to do so.

Even with our strat, some people are just getting hit more than expected. Try to dodge PF, even within spirit link. Sitting and taking the damage is just causing unnecessary stress on people.

Healthstone Usage VS Early Deaths

If your name is not on the left, you never used a healthstone. If your name is not on the left (or is very low) AND your name is high on the right, you really need to fix this.

There are a few takeaways I have at a glance.

Neko, Belle, and Telann are a bit SoL on account of being Cleansing Purged a few times. Wendal and Plutonic are dying early to excessive melee add damage through no fault of their own, but are still popping Healthstones to try to survive the onslaught. Hopefully a good stun rotation will prevent those early deaths.

Hoss is the second highest healthstone user, but is in the top 10 earliest deaths. This likely means he needs to position better for mechanics like lasers (see also my doodle above), but Hoss is working extremely hard to stay alive in the event that he does fail a mechanic (mostly, I blame being a fat tauren death knight for those failures). Melee with low movement tend to suffer on this fight, so it’s important to peel away from the boss early to find better positioning for lasers when we call out that they’re coming. On the other hand, Kamahl doesn’t show up on the left at all, and died around the same time as Hoss in fights. If he used healthstones, it’s possible – even probable – that he could have lived significantly longer each fight.

Conversely, Foxxie is the #1 healthstone user, but is one of the last folks to die in a fight. Partially this is because of healthstone usage. Jibbles, Tusker, and Quetzie are the top 3 survivalists, and also have high healthstone usage.

“But I’m saving healthstones for phase 3!”

Yeah well….fuckin’ don’t. We’re progressing. If more of us live to see room 3, then we can start to worry about saving healthstones for that room. In the meantime we never got a proper rotation in room 3, so it’s a bit of a bust to save the stones for it.


At the end of the night we were getting into room 3 with some success. We need to time our crossing better to not overlap with wind, and save stampeding roar for the occasion if there are lasers to get to. The entire group crosses at once, so every big cooldown should be used (except healthstones – pop those when you’re out of spirit link!)

Thursday Logs

Friday: Heroic Fetid+

This week we tried something new, and started on Heroic Fetid. Taloc and MOTHER are easy to PUG on heroic now, and we’re starting on them for alt night (since normal heroic and mother were skipped regardless).

We had smooth sailing on Fetid, Zek, and Vectis, as usual. We practiced the Mythic strat on Zek’vos for moving the boss to each marker. It’s going to take some getting used to, but it’s good for us to do it now.

Zul gave us some expected problems. We tried the zerg strat a few times, which failed (not unexpected). We also realized that part of the failure was resulting from Laser Matrix, which is uncontrollable when a person soaking a pool stands too close to a hexer. We abandoned zerg strat because Blizzard is apparently an italian company full of spaghetti code.

We also experimented with changing lust times; initially we’d been lusting after Locus, then remembered that our successful kills had us lusting beforehand. Lusting to kill a crusher before Locus was the smoothest we’ve gotten. At that point, it’s on the tanks to run out stacks, pallies not to BoP the tank in the middle, and healers not to dispell people in the middle of the room (because those fear adds are nasty). We still got him down – our second Zul kill.

Mythrax was sort of a mess. Too many people stacked too tightly at the start of the fight. Not enough interrupts went out. Our DPS was spread too far and too thin, resulting in adds unable to be cleaved down. A second attempt resulted in our second kill. Everyone was alive at the end of it and it was extremely clean. A very good feeling!

G’huun we looked at only very briefly; we have a few people we want to practice orb running in the meantime.

Friday Logs 1
Friday Logs 2

Monday: Alt Night

We went into Heroic Taloc and MOTHER, since we skipped them on friday. After that, we went back to normal and did Fetid+.

For the first time, we one-shot everything AND came in under the two hour mark.

Monday Logs

Guild Repair Money

There’s some concern lately that guild repairs are putting too much of a drain on the bank. Urostek has put some of his own money into the bank a few times, which is not fair to him when we all rely on it so heavily.

A few ideas have been tossed around. One is selling all Mythic BoEs and putting proceeds in the guild bank. Another is selling all heroic or normal BoEs, but letting those who get mythics keep them. Another is selling Mythic BoEs and putting a percentage of sales in the bank. Another is to schedule farm nights after we down MOTHER to try to get BoEs just for the purpose of filling the guild bank. Still other ideas are farming old raids or selling potions / flasks / etc to guildies as a discount and putting that in the bank.

If you have thoughts or opinions on the matter, post in the raiding discussion discord channel. We’re all ears!


I’m behind on both the raiding attendance page and the audit sheets. Don’t worry, that’s a penalty on me, not on you!

Hallow's End Costume Contest

From now until midnight on October 30th, submit screenshots of your character in costumes according to theme! At the end of the submission period, we’ll hold a public vote on the website all throughout Hallow’s End. On November 1st, we’ll reveal who the winners of each category are, and who will walk away with the top prizes!

Best in Show
Pull out all the stops and show us the transmog or costume you think will impress us most!
The Urostek
Scar us with the ugliest, mish-mashiest, or gaudiest transmog you can come up with.
Racial Pride
Trolls, shine your tusks, and Elves, brush your hair – time to represent in the best outfit that embodies your race!
Cross-Dressed Class
Dress up as a class outside of your armor type! Warlocks imitating druids, Death Knights imitating priests – go crazy!
Mount / Pet Matching
Get dressed to impress and show off alongside a thematic pet and/or mount!
Officer Best
Since we don’t qualify for Best in Show, choose a favorite transmog from the Ministry of Defense officers!

For full details, including rules and how to enter, check out our Hallow’s End Costume Contest site.