PvP Rules & Regulations

Information for all PvP Events

What do we do?

  • For short, we PvP!
    • We have done Tol Barad, For The Horde, Gurubashi arena events for prizes, as well as just making raid groups to run other forms of world PvP and be the bane of the alliance!
    • We also do any weekly bonus objectives, like random battleground bonuses, arena bonuses, as well as just doing these for fun and to practice for more competitive aspects, such as rated battlegrounds, rated arenas, and wargames.
    • We were able to get the majority of the RBG team to 1900 as our last seasonal high and hope to have a lot of growing success in rated PvP in the coming seasons!


  • One thing that is very detrimental (and will be the most policed part of this) will be conduct. Anyone who is being toxic, rude, or unpleasant will not be allowed to attend future events with us. This goes for casual events, rated battlegrounds, and our more organized events.
  • Consequences will be on a case-by-case basis.
    • If it is a minor offense, you will be given one warning. Nothing more. If the actions or behavior continue, you will not be allowed to continue coming to events.
    • More serious actions will be determined as needed.
  • The PvP community is known for being very toxic. We are not wanting this branch of our guild to be like this. This is a FOR FUN branch, which will have some aspects of competition.
  • If (and when) we have to PUG a role, you will be expected to treat them with the same courtesy as you would a guild member.

Gladiator (Guild Promotions)

  • This will give you 1250g for daily repairs, as well as access to tabs 5&6 in the guild bank.
    • The promotion will be given to people who attend at least half of the current months guild PvP events.
  • If you decide to become part of the rated team, you will be responsible for attending the rated date set.
    • If you cannot attend, let us know!
  • If you do not show up for a week of events with no contact made to anyone, you will lose your status.
    • You can always gain it back.


  • Sunday (Rated Battlegrounds)
    • 5pm pst – 8pm pst / 8pm est – 11pm est
  • Tuesday (Rated Battlegrounds)
    • 5pm pst – 8pm pst / 8pm est – 11pm est
  • Wednesday (Casual PvP Night)
    • 5pm pst – 8pm pst / 8pm est – 11pm est

Rated-Specific Rules


  • You MUST confirm your role(s) and that you have read the rules and regulations with Frost, Azziria, or Kutulu on Discord 24 hours before a rated time slot.
  • You must provide the following information:
    • Character name:
    • Class:
    • Spec:
    • Role:
    • ilvl:
    • Mic for Discord?
    • Experience?
    • Are you able to participate Sundays or Tuesdays at 5pm – 8pm server time?
    • Do you have more than one role that you can play?
  • If you aren’t immediately eligible, don’t worry! We will still set a time aside that week to get you some more experience, gear, whatever you need!

Gear Requirements

  • New Requirements: Honor gear ilvl 619 (to start the season), conquest ilvl 632 will be required as the season progresses
    • Keep up to date on recommended spec tier set and gearing (includes keeping up with stats and builds).

Discord and Addons

  • Discord is required.
    • If you do not have a mic or do not want to talk, there is a chance you won’t be able to participate. Communication is extremely important for us to succeed, so please be respectful and keep chatter related to what is happening in the battleground.
  • Required Addon List
    • Battleground enemies, big debuffs, omnicd, capping, tellmewhen (or a weak aura tracker)


  • Roles
    Everyone is encouraged to be as flexible as possible so that we can make the best use of comps match to match. If you are a tank you will be required to offspec as heals or DPS due to the limited amount of tank spots available during matches. Grats for reading the rules so far, If you want to attend our RBG events you also will need to confirm with a Warbringer sending the secret word phrase ‘waffle waffle fries’ AND list me a bullet point from the ‘Gear Requirements’ and ‘Conduct’ sections. Failure to comply with this in your confirmation message will result in you being denied entry until you do so, also do not discuss the confirmation with anyone who has not confirmed or we will change it and consequences will apply to everyone not just the one involved.

Things Not Covered That People Brought Up

If you are worried about not having a spot in the rated teams, you can always create a new toon and the Gladiators and PvP leaders will happily help you level and gear for rateds.

Never be afraid to tell the leads something. We don’t bite (hard.) We cannot know something if you don’t let us know!

We want to make our rated team(s) the best that they can be. Message a PvP Officer (Frost, Azziria, or Kutulu) for confirmation of the rules and roles, as well as any questions you may have about anything that isn’t clearly stated above. I hope to see everyone on the battlefield, and let’s kick some ass!