The mythic raid team fully cleared normal difficulty Nerub-ar Palace and then went into heroic difficulty and cleared half the raid this past week making their progression 4/8H during the first week of release!

The Saturday heroic AOTC raid team went 6/8N in their first outing this week!

Can’t wait to see where both teams end up this week!


This month’s interviewee has been in Ministry of Defense for 2 years. Not as long as it seems to be taking my dad to get milk at the corner store, but still a pretty long stint, if you ask me. Her handle is a combination of the best first name ever (Robin, or some derivative, which also happens to be my name) and the name of a Sims character who shared their name with my childhood cat. She started playing in classic WoW with her young son. Who is no longer young, because (don’t hate the messenger) classic was 20 years ago, people!

Robin is from North Virginia, which is apparently a place for lovers. I don’t know what that means, but I am guessing once you cross the border you feel more loved. Or something. Some people call it the birthplace of a nation, even, but I don’t know how you fit a nation in the delivery ward of a hospital. I’m still puzzled by conception, but confusion is my default state of being.

She has some diverse interests, including gardening, genealogy, and playing the piano, in addition to her video game antics. WoW is her only video game love, though Sims was played extensively in the past. When asked what her favourite expansion was, Robin answered “Wrath of the Lich King,” which is the only correct answer (fight me). BM hunter is her true love, but lately paladin has been encroaching on that territory a little.

The things Robin was most excited for in TWW was simply that it’s new, and that it is exciting that Blizzard has made a plan for the future that we get to follow along on. Her favourite in game things to do are holidays, farming old content, LFR, pet battles and collecting, and much more. If Blizzard approached Robin to ask her what problem she’d fix about World of Warcraft, it’d be to fix the chat. Also deal with trolling and sabotaging players.

Robin’s favourite WoW personality is Chromie, which is a solid choice, and not particularly controversial, because we all know the gnome has got skibidi rizz. The last book she read was 20 Days in October. She has 3 cats and cares for her neighbour’s German Shepherd named Rocky. Thanks for sharing a little piece of you with me, Robin!
Also Robbin (Wen)

From MoD guild member profiles writer Wen, her article is posted below (with some pictures in between text). This will be a new monthly feature by Wen on the MoD guild website!

Wen writes:

For the inaugural “MoD Profile,” here is our first interviewee/guinea pig: Telan! Telan had the unfortunate luck of having to talk to me for an hour. Fortunately, against all odds, he survived.

Telan hails from Holland, Michigan. Unlike the country Holland, there are no clogs to be seen. They share one thing in common: An abundance of Tulips. Some might be disappointed that Holland, MI did not choose another Danish staple to copy, like beer, cheese, and Very Tall People.

Telan has two corgis and a grandkitty at home. Unlike more famous corgi owners like the Queen of England and Raymond Holt, Telan does not rule a commonwealth or stomp out crime with his jaunty buddy Jake Peralta.

Telan’s current favorite tunes are Melinda by Galway Girl and Rose Bets’ Irish Eyes. I don’t know what either of these songs are about but if you mix them together it would seem that Melinda is a Galway Girl with Irish Eyes that enjoys betting on roses. This seems very niche to me, but I like Taylor Swift so I may not be allowed an opinion.

Telan’s only other hobby than WoW is leatherworking. He didn’t tell me his skill level, so I can only assume it’s 300/300 because his wallets and bracers are cool as heck. His adult spawn is going to get him going on Instagram, and he’ll be sure to let us know when that happens.

Telan has been playing WoW since opening week, but for some reason didn’t enjoy the endless grind for gold to repair your stuff that you probably damaged getting annihilated by boars and kobolds repeatedly. He largely skipped The Burning Crusade (solid call), Wrath of the Lich King, and Pandaria (not into gardening, I guess). In Legion he found Ministry of Defense with his daughter and from then on played fairly earnestly. To date, he’s played some 333 days of World of Warcraft, and unlike those of us who played classic, 110 of those days were not spent farming an Onyxia Scale Cloak.

If Blizzard shut down WoW forever and left one server up with only one activity available, Telan would choose raiding. He likes m+ (so many of us say this, I think masochism must be catching), but raiding is more sociable and the most fun to him. If he could fix one thing about WoW, he would fix the server lag that occurs when everyone is funneled into a singular event like Radiant Echoes. He’d rather they didn’t make that content because it’s not fun in the lag and then you lose out if you don’t do it if they can’t fix it.

No other games at this moment, but Telan figures Ashes of Creation might be interesting. His favorite ever video game character is Sonic the Hedgehog, which is fair for the generation that grew up on the original Nintendo and the Sega Genesis. His least favorite video game character is not Yrel (sigh) but rather Sylvanas, mostly because spite. It was tops on his list of least favorite encounters. His #1 crowning moment with MoD: downing mythic opulence.

Thanks, Telan!

On a final note, here are his month’s words of wisdom: It is important to be comfortable in your own skin because it’s illegal to wear someone else’s.


Do you enjoy writing? Do you enjoy chatting? How about interviewing people?

Ministry of Defense is looking for someone to write guild member player profiles. This would eventually become a guild officer position for the right person (with eventual access to the guild website to post your articles).

The profiles can be in-depth interviews or as simple as a question and answers panel. We will post the guild member profiles on our website and on our social media accounts.

The primary focus will be to interview/Q&A guild members of the PvP teams, the raid teams, mythic keystone pushers, or collectors (I see you Sunday Funday people!) who are in the guild. Eventually, we would do guild officer profiles, but the focus of this should be on our guild members!

The position would entail writing up an interview/Q&A piece at least once a month for the guild website and maintaining regular activity in WoW.

If you are interested, please send me a discord DM.